"perception" tag

7 Ways to Become a Master of Time and Start Bending it to Your Will

HJ: The passage of time is directly controlled by your perception of it.  That is because, in fact, linear time as we know it does not exist.  There is only an ever present now…


How to Shift Your Reality by Shifting Yourself

HJ: We do not see life as it is — we see life as we are.  And yet most people assume we see the world objectively.  And therein lies a great source of…


How Your Mind Distorts Reality and How You Can Use it to Your Advantage

HJ: Once you understand how your mind distorts reality, you are then able to leverage it to your advantage.  As the saying goes you must first understand the rules before you can master…


The Four Essential Traits You Need To Become a Successful Manifestor

HJ: This is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful articles for anyone who wants to begin tapping into the power of manifestation successfully.  Quite simply, the traits listed below perfectly sum…


Dream Psychology: Awakening Your Inner Vision

HJ: In the dream state, our minds are freed from the everyday limits of waking consciousness.  Dreams are intensely therapeutic and can offer us deep insight into the nature of our own being…


Evolving Your Perception: How to See the Opportunity Hidden in Every Challenge

HJ: Learning to recognize the hidden opportunity in every challenge and situation is a major step on the path of the evolution of consciousness because there are two major concepts which are embodied…


Developing Your Awareness: How to Rise Above Ordinary Consciousness

HJ: How do you differentiate between a conscious person and one who is trapped in ordinary states of consciousness?  Here’s an example to help illustrate the difference between the two:  Two people are watching a…


Discovering the Hidden Opportunities in Your Life: Are You Misinterpreting Events?

HJ: One of the most profound spiritual truths you can understand is that every single thing that happens to you in life can either be a vehicle for opportunity or self-pity and suffering and…


How to Enhance Your Brain Plasticity and Improve Cognitive Performance

HJ: Aside from the suggestions in the article below, we recommend that you embrace challenges in life as a method for maintaining brain health.  Challenges force us to look at ourselves and our…


Awakening From the Illusion: Understanding How We Create and Interact With Reality

HJ: The illusion is that life is happening to us, when, in fact we are either consciously or unconsciously co-creating with every thought, belief and perception that passes through our mind.  What we…

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