16 Highly Effective Ways to Transform Unhappiness Into Joy
HJ: Given enough time, unhappiness will naturally transform into joy, but for most of us, we’d like to speed that process up as much as possible. Enter Sangeeta Bhagwat with a whole list…

How to Infuse Your Life With Greater Contentment and Peace
HJ: Imagine your life only better — more peaceful, with greater contentment and flow in everything you do. Today’s article is all about helping you get there and making the process itself mellow,…

15 Things to Let Go of This Year For Greater Happiness, Health and Peace of Mind
HJ: Profound personal change can happen in an instant. The simple decision to let go of something that no longer serves you can massively impact the quality of your life for years to…

The 5 Keys to Creating Unshakable Peace of Mind in Your Everyday Life
HJ: What if you could turn down (or completely off) the mental chatter that runs through your mind day in and day out? You can. And this fantastic article gives you many powerful…

How to Overcome the Biggest Obstacle To Being Happy Right Now
HJ: Most people unconsciously make their happiness conditional, however, happiness grows and thrives when we make it unconditional. It’s tempting to think ‘I will be happy when…’, however, the truth is that this…

A Surefire Method to Experience More Joy and Compassion in Your Life
A Surefire Method to Experience Joy in Your Life By Srikumar Rao, Ph.D. | Psychology Today | Srikumar S Rao — Galileo got it wrong. The earth does not revolve around the sun. It revolves around you…

10 Simple Practices to Massively Increase Your Peace of Mind and Happiness
HJ: What if you could start doing simple, fun things throughout your day that would massively increase your peace of mind and happiness? Would you be game? Well, it’s totally possible and further…

What Your Inner Critic Is Really Trying to Teach You Yourself
HJ: This is an interesting article that takes a fresh look at an old subject and flies in the face of much of the wisdom out there, which typically recommends you silence your…

How to Meditate Like a Master Even if You Have Struggled With it in the Past
HJ: The irony of the simple practice of meditation is that can be incredibly challenging for many people. But fear not, Master transformational coach Doc Barham will explain how to meditate like a…

Feeling Rejected? These 3 Spiritual Truths Will Help You Get Back On Your Feet
HJ: Rejection can be very difficult to deal with… if you don’t have these three ‘spiritual skills’ to help you quickly get over it and move on to bigger and better things. This…