10 Simple but Powerful Ways to Connect More Deeply With Yourself and Nature
HJ: The more deeply we are able to connect to ourselves, the more deeply we can connect to others and the world around us. The foundation of a truly happy and fulfilled life…
15 Healing Herbs to Boost Your Thyroid Function and Balance Your Hormones
HJ: Nature’s infinite wisdom has provided a medicine for every ailment, a cure for every imbalance. Our hormonal systems are some of the most important in the body as hormones are the master…
8 Powerful Grounding Techniques For Staying Connected to the Earth’s Natural Healing Frequencies
HJ: Staying grounded, whether that means visualizing your connection with the Earth, being outside, or maintaining direct physical contact with your skin, is essential for overall health and wellbeing. These days people tend…
Hilarion: This Week Brings Expanded Energy
Hilarion via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, You are moving into a higher than ever energy week and staying grounded during this time is very important. Touching base with the tree family and…
Hilarion: New Energies Bring Changes to Your Being
Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, As the intense energies pour forth into the Earth’s atmosphere much that has been stubbornly resisting this great Love flooding the Earth shall start dissipating in…
Hilarion: Spend as Much Time In Nature As You Can
Beloved Ones, Many of you have learned very well how to align yourselves to meet the energies expressed from those around you, with equilibrium, insight and clarity. This is a good skill to…