"Mindfulness" tag

Yoga For the Mind: How Mental Flexibility Can Help You Find Greater Happiness

HJ: If you are at all interested in finding greater happiness and freedom in life, then you would be wise to stay ‘psychologically flexible’, as it is referred to in the article below….


How to Increase Your Vitality and Happiness With Mindful Eating

HJ: I often observe friends and family simply devouring food — only taking a few bites before swallowing and eating an entire meal in the space of 10 minutes.  What this reflects is…


3 Simple Mindfulness Meditations That Will Transform Your Outlook on Life

HJ: Staying centered and present in the moment is quite an easy task.  The challenge lies in unlearning a lifetime of conditioning that keeps us locked into thinking about the past and future….


The Many Benefits of Mindful Eating

HJ: Mindful eating, which can take many forms, can have a major impact on your health and quality of life.  By slowing down and centering oneself before and during a meal, we connect…

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