Using Matrix Reimprinting to Rewrite Your Past and Transform Your Future
HJ: We typically think of time as a linear experience, when in fact it is multidimensional in nature. The past, present and future all exist simultaneously and we can alter both the past…

Cell Biologist Proves How Emotions Can Change Your DNA
HJ: The irony of the title to this article is that science is not really ‘proving’ anything, it is simply offering an explanation for a timeless spiritual truth that exists as a fundamental…

Understanding Your Role in the Creation of Reality
HJ: Neale’s clarification of the commonly heard truth ‘You are the creator of your own reality’ is important because although this is a seemingly simple concept at first glance, the truth is that…

Is It Possible To Live As Though Time Does Not Exist?
HJ: In contrast to what we are taught to believe, time is completely maleable by our own conscious observation and perception of it. We typically believe at a core level that time proceeds…

Understanding the Difference Between Levels of Awareness: Density and Dimension
HJ: The terms dimension and density are thrown around quite loosely in different channelings and spiritual articles. In fact, I have even found myself using them interchangeably on occasion. However, there is definitely…

The Secrets to Mastery in This Lifetime
HJ: This is an incredible article. You are literally being handed a blueprint to higher consciousness. You are being spoon fed answers to some of the greatest existential mysteries that plague the minds of mankind….

What You Focus Your Mind On Will Only Expand
HJ: I think the title of this article is pretty straightforward, and thats part of the beauty of this concept. It is so incredibly simple that you instantly know exactly what you need…