Essential Wisdom for Those Travelling the Spiritual Path
HJ: Dr. Bitkoff once again graces us with his profound, timeless wisdom for seekers on the path to self realization. More than any other author I have come across to date, Dr. Bitkoff…
How to Release Your Fears With Qigong Meditation
HJ: Mark my words, Qi Gong in all its forms will see a resurgence here in the West as we collectively begin to explore further into our own innate spiritual nature. As a society, we…
26 Powerful Mantras for Deep Healing and Personal Transformation
HJ: Mantras have many modes of action in the mind-body-spirit triad. On a mental level, they work as affirmations of ones own higher consciousness and divinity, which can work to replace limiting beliefs…
How to Use the Sun to Activate the Pineal Gland and Higher Intelligence
HJ: Speaking here from personal experience, I can say that daily sungazing has had a profoundly transformative effect on my health, mood, and consciousness. It has literally reinvigorated me with a zest for…
Increasing Brain Function and Neural Activity With Powerful Ancient Hand Gestures
The first variant of Pushan Mudra activates the digestion and elimination. The variant depicted here activates the energy in the pelvic region (root chakra) and directs it upwards. Pushan mudra improves the concentration,…
How to Work With Life Force Energy (Chi) for Greater Health, Happiness and Awareness
HJ: Nearly all traditional cultures recognize the concept of ‘Chi’ or ‘life force energy’, although they may use differing terminology to describe it. Many in the West are familiar with the concept of…
Despite What You May Believe, Failure Does Not Exist
HJ: The belief in failure is a misperception of the true nature of reality. The concept of failing is inherently judgmental and dualistic and it implies that one can do something wrong or incorrect, which…
3 Simple Mindfulness Meditations That Will Transform Your Outlook on Life
HJ: Staying centered and present in the moment is quite an easy task. The challenge lies in unlearning a lifetime of conditioning that keeps us locked into thinking about the past and future….