"manifestation" tag

The Secrets to Mastery in This Lifetime

HJ:  This is an incredible article.  You are literally being handed a blueprint to higher consciousness.  You are being spoon fed answers to some of the greatest existential mysteries that plague the minds of mankind….


Archangel Metatron: The Integrity of Prayer Questing & The Mechanics of Sedona Star-Gates

HJ: There is nothing like an Archangel Metatron (via James Tyberonn) message to keep motivation high and help one shift to a deeper understanding of exactly what is occuring in the collective and…


What You Focus Your Mind On Will Only Expand

HJ: I think the title of this article is pretty straightforward, and thats part of the beauty of this concept.  It is so incredibly simple that you instantly know exactly what you need…


Polarity and the Illusions of Life and Death

HJ: It’s 2013.  Time to stop beating around the bush and drill down into some serious esoteric material with substance.  While amateur changelings and messages certainly have their spot in the grand scheme of things…


Creating the Life of Your Dreams: Understanding and Working With The Law of Attraction

HJ: While all the talk of Ascension and what that means for humanity has its place, in a way, it obfuscates the real problems facing humanity at this time, which is a lack…


Neale Donald Walsch: You Are Co-Creating Life’s Events

HJ: Once again, Neale brings us timeless words of wisdom and insight into the nature of reality.  The concepts he touches on and expresses so eloquently are fundamental laws of the universe that…


Steve Pavlina: This is Heaven

By Steve Pavlina | Steve Pavlina — If you maintain a negative limiting belief about your reality, such as a belief that this reality is insane, crazy, violent, indifferent, apathetic, etc., then your…


DL Zeta: Gratitude Activates Timelines where our Highest Visions Manifest

DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — The last weeks of 2012 offer portals into new and expanded realities where we are living the dreams and visions we have held throughout time. These visions…

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Transcending Our Brain Created Reality: A New Call to Lift Nature’s Veil

By BERNARDO KASTRUP, Ph.D. | New Dawn — The study of non-ordinary states of consciousness is quickly becoming an established area of scientific and philosophical inquiry. Yet, all the enthusiasm about finding out…


With Our Thoughts, We Make the World

By Walter Mason | New Dawn Magazine — What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our…

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