"manifestation" tag

How to Harness the Full Power of Your Vibrational Frequency

HJ:  Your vibrational frequency is a direct mirror of your overall emotional and mental state and interacts with the fundamental energetic structure of the universe.  From a metaphysical perspective, the universe responds directly…


What Truly Successful People Do That the Rest of Us Don’t

HJ: There is a formula for success that all truly successful people tap into whether they are conscious of it or not.  If you are not experiencing the success you desire for yourself,…


What Your Dreams Are Trying to Tell You About Your Future Self

HJ:  Everyday, you make thousands upon thousands of choices.  Almost every moment of your life you are making subtle but profound choices, all of which cumulatively combine to determine the course of your…


The Four Essential Traits You Need To Become a Successful Manifestor

HJ: This is, without a doubt, one of the most powerful articles for anyone who wants to begin tapping into the power of manifestation successfully.  Quite simply, the traits listed below perfectly sum…


35 Powerful Affirmations to Reprogram Your Mind For Health, Happiness, and Abundance

HJ: Depending on who you ask, affirmations are either life changing or simply don’t work.  Why the major discrepancy?  I’ll tell you and at the same time show you how to make sure…


How to Manifest a Job That Matches Your Level of Consciousness (and Make Peace With Your Current One That Doesn’t)

HJ: It’s a common scenario — you have been doing the inner work, raising your consciousness, evolving your awareness and reaping the incredible benefits.  You are a changed person and seeing yourself and…


Understanding Your Mind: How Your Beliefs Create and Influence Reality

HJ: Many of us make the mistake of believing that the laws of physics and science are supreme laws that govern reality, when, in fact, they are only subsidiary laws of the larger…


How to Manifest Your Destiny With Imagination, Devotion and Courage

HJ: There are certain ‘key traits’ that one needs to develop and cultivate if they truly wish to begin manifesting their destiny and ultimately begin creating their lives according to the larger vision…


What It Takes to Begin Manifesting Successfully: How to Access Your Full Creative Potential

HJ: The primary reason that individuals are not able to successfully manifest in a near instantaneous fashion is that they are unconsciously holding beliefs that are in some way opposed to the very…


Expanding the Possibilities in Your Reality: How to Create Your Own Luck

HJ: The legendary Roman philosopher Seneca once remarked “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”  And he is correct in that luck, which could be likened unto synchronicity or opportunity, is a…

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