"light" tag
light spinner

Mikos: A Message From the Inner Earth City of Telos

Mikos via Wes Annac www.galacticmessages.com Wes: Hello Mikos, how are you on this fine day? Mikos: Hello Wes, I am doing just fine. Watching you all go through so many exciting energy shifts…

pinnacle of fractal light

Pleiadian High Consuls: Love and Sexuality

Dear Hearts, we are at a time in your evolution where you have to see and create not just from the physical understanding of how you perceive, yet perception is the contradiction of…

kudia kundalini spiral

The Group: New Earth Angels

  The Group via Steve Rother http://lightworker.com/beacons/2011/2011_11-RoomForYourLight.php From Steve: In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in…


Melchizedek: 11-11-11 is a Reflection of Your Readiness

Melchizedek via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, Workers of the Light, we ask you to unite on the portal opening day of 11~11~11 and combine your energies throughout this day to the unfolding…

orcadian stones

Pleiadians: You Are Shortly to be Uplifted

Pleiadians via Greg Giles http://www.ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com We wish to communicate with you from the Star Realms. All through your many lives incarnate within the physical vessel and the physical worlds, you were subjected to…

holeman gateway

Selecia and the Council of Twelve: Understanding and Maximizing the 11-11-11 Gateway

Divine Changemakers: Maximize the 11/11 Gateway Selacia’s Council of 12 Message http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs013/1101726700582/archive/1108166275132.html You as a divine changemaker are alive now to do great things that could not have been done before. These things…

star splash desert

Hathor World Meditation on 11-11-11

Transmissions of Light: Reminder A Hathor Planetary Meditation Reminder from Tom Kenyon http://stevebeckow.com/2011/11/hathor-transmissions-of-light-world-meditation-on-111111/ The World Meditation on 11/11/11 The actual “Transmissions of Light” World Meditation (as our group together in Seattle will experience…

europe at night

Wanderer of the Skies: Expect a Decloaking Over a Large European City

The Galactic Federation via Wanderer of the Skies November 7, 2011 http://wandererodtheskies.blogspot.com/2011/11/november-7-2011.html Greetings from the Federation: We wish to address faith with you. For most of you, faith is all you have. You…

blooming forest

Hilarion: This Week Brings Expanded Energy

Hilarion via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, You are moving into a higher than ever energy week and staying grounded during this time is very important. Touching base with the tree family and…

tundra north pole

Matthew: A Message on the Coming Changes

November 5, 2011 http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm Energy surge 11/11/11; Illuminati activities will wind down; fear; origin and purpose of free will and karma; how negativity began; Creator’s amendments to Its law of free will; importance…

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