"illusion" tag
creation of soul

The Pleiadian High Council: You are the Prime Creators of What You Feel and Experience

Pleiadian High Council via Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com/2011/11/26/the-pleiadian-high-council-you-are-the-prime-creators-of-what-you-feel-and-experience/ Wes: I will probably not do all of my PHC channelings in audio format, but I figured I would try it out this time and see…

light of the mental body

Andromeda Galaxy: The God of the True Lightworker

Andromeda Galaxy via Ute http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/11/god-of-true-lightworker.html  We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy. Dearest Ones, it is assumed…

starry sky tree

Saul: Peace and Love are Arising from the Grassroots of Society

Saul via John Smallman November 23, 2011 http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com Humanity’s decision to awaken from the dream into Reality has been greatly welcomed in the spiritual realms where we watch over you constantly with loving…

star splash desert

SaLuSa: You Bring Yourselves Closer to Transformation

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/November2011/salusa_23november2011.htm Nov. 23, 2011 People power is growing and what you are seeing around the world is how successful you can be when you group together in a common…

sananda spiritual hierarchy

Galactic Federation: The New Era is Almost Upon You

Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn112211.htm Dratzo! We return with more to say about your world and its divine transformation. As Gaia moves ever closer to altering your surface reality,…

light of nature

SanJAsKa: Transmute Fear into Love

SanJAsKa via Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com/2011/11/21/sanjaska-transmute-fear-with-love/ The old energy on your world and in your bodies is being lifted away from you now, and this is manifesting as a series of events in your…

home fractal

The Hathors: Distortions, Growth in the Higher Realms and the Direction of Source Energy

The Hathors via Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com/2011/11/15/the-hathors-of-earths-solar-astral-planes-distortions-growth-in-the-higher-realms-and-the-direction-of-source-energy/ With infinite blessings to every dear soul reading our words, we are the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes. We watch over you via the Logos energy…

dna light forest

Archangel Azriel: The Illusion of Death and Dying

Archangel Azriel via Karen Doonan www.crystalline-sanctuary.com I am Archangel Azriel and I come through our channel at this time to help those who have found themselves in the illusion of death. Many who…

galactic flower

Ascended Masters: The Time Ahead is Going to be Busy, Uplifting, Energetic and Wonderful

Ascended Masters via Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com/2011/11/14/the-ascended-masters-the-time-ahead-is-going-to-be-busy-uplifting-energetic-and-wonderful/#more-2040 Wes: Hello dear friends. What is transpiring in your realm on this day? Ascended Masters: Hello dear Wesley, much is and has been happening in favor of the Light….

occupy military protestors

Montague Keen: Ireland is Leading the Way For Change

Montague Keen via Veronica Keen – November 13, 2011 Website: The Montague Keen Foundation My dear, you are living in a time of endings and new beginnings: as more people wake up, they make…

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