"higher self" tag

How to Access and Strengthen Your Connection to Your Higher Self

HJ: Your higher self will always lead you down the path of your highest success, expansion, fulfillment and growth.  It is like your compass for navigating life in a way that always leads…


How to Tune Into Messages From Your Higher Self

HJ: Your higher self is your most direct connection to source — to the creator — to the universe… whatever you want to call it.  In every moment it makes available to you…


Shamanic Guidance For Connecting to Your True Self

HJ: There is but one goal on the path of life: to reconnect to your true self.  And you are not far off at any moment, after all, you are your true self…


How to Tell the Difference Between Intuition and Impulse

HJ: When learning to differentiate between intuition and impulse, we must focus on feeling over thinking, which can be challenging for many of us.  Growing up believing in the power of thought, logic and reasoning over all…


Why You Should Trust the Wisdom of the Heart: Your Intuitive Connection to Your Higher Self

HJ: The heart is in every way as powerful an organ as the brain and is the source through which we receive intuitive guidance from our higher self, which is directly connected to the divine…

home fractal

The Hathors: Distortions, Growth in the Higher Realms and the Direction of Source Energy

The Hathors via Wes Annac http://aquariuschannelings.com/2011/11/15/the-hathors-of-earths-solar-astral-planes-distortions-growth-in-the-higher-realms-and-the-direction-of-source-energy/ With infinite blessings to every dear soul reading our words, we are the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes. We watch over you via the Logos energy…

beach fence

Archangel Gabriel: The Empowerment of Love

Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com November 3, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love called empowerment. This quality brings out the higher inner…

flower essence

The Wisdom of Illness: A Conversation With My Higher Self

By Susan Christhilf, On September 23, 2011 http://www.ishalerner.com/blog_6/?p=43 Years ago, when I began my work with flower essences, I was introduced to a whole new way of looking at health and healing. Far from…

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