"health" tag

The 6 Keys to Rapid Self Healing

HJ: Self-healing is actually the only form of healing that exists.  Even when another ‘heals you’ they are only catalyzing innate healing responses within your own body and mind.  Your self-healing is truly…


5 Sacred Tibetan Yoga Poses to Balance Your Mind and Body

HJ: This is a very interesting series of yoga poses designed to balance your mind and body based on ancient, sacred Tibetan teachings.  To those who regularly practice yoga it might seem a bit…


12 Sacred Herbs to Boost Your Energy, Vitality and Adaptability

HJ: For thousands of years spiritually advanced cultures worldwide relied on the power of sacred herbs to help them heal and balance the body, mind and spirit.  Today we are blessed to be…


3 Powerful Ancient Yogic Breathing Techniques to Help You Relax and Stay Centered

HJ: Breathwork gets you out of your head and into your heart.  It can short circuit worry, stress, tension, fear, frustration and any other negative emotional state.  It also has an extremely balancing…


15 Healing Herbs to Boost Your Thyroid Function and Balance Your Hormones

HJ: Nature’s infinite wisdom has provided a medicine for every ailment, a cure for every imbalance.  Our hormonal systems are some of the most important in the body as hormones are the master…


How I Healed an Incurable Disease With the Power of Love

HJ: Disease, sickness, illness and suffering are no match for the power of love.  In fact, from a deeply metaphysical point of view, disease is caused by the internal stifling of love we experience…


12 Spiritual Plants For Clearing Out Negative Energy and Bad Vibes

HJ: For thousands of years, shamans have been using plants to heal not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well.  Negative energy, bad vibes, intense emotions and so on can…


How to Discover Your Emotional Body Type

HJ: Similar to how we all have unique body types, this pattern also extends to our emotional tendencies and can be a very useful tool for helping us better understand ourselves.  When we…


How to Quickly Cleanse Your Liver and Blood of Harmful Toxins

HJ: Every 3 or so months — with the change of the seasons — it is a wise, ancient tradition to engage in a cleanse.  This keeps the body fine tuned, healthy and…


What I Learned as a Master Healer: How to Tap Into the Incredible Healing Power of Your Body

HJ: The body’s natural momentum is towards perfect health and healing.  The body is designed to maintain health and homeostasis.  It is only imbalances in our lives — in our mind, perception, diet…

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