"health" tag

Courage, Fear and the Kidneys: How Our Organs Influence Our Emotions

HJ: The mind and spirit are intimately connected to the body.  Therefore, any disturbance in either the mind or spirit, will also have an energetic counterpart in the body.  For instance, an imbalance…


How to Strengthen the Heart-Mind Connection

HJ: The heart and mind are not opposed, as some would have you believe.  They are, in fact, mutually supportive of each other when in balance.  We have a tendency to lose connection…


An Acre of Plants in a Bottle: The Incredible Healing Power of Essential Oils

HJ: One of my favorite stories is that of the group of thieves who managed to survive the black plague despite all odds through the use of essential oils.  A group of thieves…


Neuroplasticity Researcher Explains How to Rewire Your Brain (Video)

Change Your Mind: Change Your Brain Talk given by Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz Leading neuroplasticity researcher and coauthor of the just released You Are Not Your Brain and the groundbreaking books Brain Lock…


Whole Life Nutrition: Are You Being Fed at Every Level of Your Being?

HJ: When we think of being nourished, we typically relate it to diet and nutrition   However, anyone familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs knows that true nourishment encompasses much more than just food and health…


3 Simple Breathing Techniques For Deep Relaxation

HJ: Of the many tools available to us to relax and stay centered, learning to control our mental, emotional and physical states through our breath is perhaps the most powerful and profound of…


Herbs and Foods to Prepare the Body For Spring and Remove the Heaviness of Winter

HJ: As the seasons change, it is wise to change our diets as well.  In winter, we are attracted to heavier, cooked, fatty foods in order to keep us warm and fulfilled during…


How Letting Your Hair Grow Long Can Stimulate Your Spirituality and Health

HJ: There are so many aspects of our existence that we take for granted that have significant effects and implications in our lives.  Most never become aware of their breath and breathing patterns…


The Dietary Roots of Common Physical, Mental, and Emotional Imbalances

HJ: As Hippocrates famously said, ‘Let food be they medicine.”  While ancient medicine systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine have long understood that food influences not just on the physical level, but…


The 4 Most Common Health Challenges and How You Can Overcome Them With Simple Changes to Your Diet and Lifestyle

HJ:  The resulting frustration from experiencing one or more of these extremely common physical symptoms is typically what gives those seeking greater wellbeing the impetus to begin their journey towards achieving higher states…

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