"health" tag

Mind Over Food: Your Brain and How it Determines Your Health Far More Than the Foods You Eat

HJ: Mainstream health advocates as well as the holistic healing community are missing a big part of the picture when it comes to physical health.  We have been lead to believe that health…


The Secret Key to Health That No One Ever Talks About

HJ: Having studied nutrition, health and healing for years and in the process trying just about every single ‘alternative diet’ under the sun in search of true health and happiness, I can speak…


Herbs and Foods to Nourish Your Mind and Spirit

HJ: For any ailment that we may face, there is an herb or food that can help us regain balance. Nature offers many medicines that can help us in the realm of the…


Love What You Eat: How Your Beliefs About Food Majorly Affect Your Health

HJ: There are few things more supremely powerful in our lives than our thoughts. Spiritual masters have known it for millennia and research into quantum physics and consciousness is confirming it beyond a…


6 Simple Ways to Keep Genetically Modified Foods (GMO’s) Out of Your Diet

HJ: Genetically Modified Foods (GMO’s) are at best highly controversial and at worst cause cancer, brain damage and severely alter your body’s natural functioning.  It’s easy to get lost in all the semantics of…


How to Increase Your Vitality and Happiness With Mindful Eating

HJ: I often observe friends and family simply devouring food — only taking a few bites before swallowing and eating an entire meal in the space of 10 minutes.  What this reflects is…


6 Healing Techniques To Help You Sleep More Deeply and Soundly

HJ: The sleep state is incredibly important as it is where we integrate our daily learning experiences on a higher, metaphysical and spiritual level.  It is also the yin balance to the yang…


What You Need to Know About Superfoods From the Sea

HJ: Perhaps more than any other food on earth, seaweeds are an incredible source of hard to get minerals, which are alarmingly lacking in todays foods due to over farming and under replenishment of soils….


How to Nourish Your Brain and Enhance its Function With Whole Foods

HJ: The beauty of a healthy, whole food, well-rounded diet is that it accomplishes many tasks in one fell swoop.  It provides a solid foundation on which health can be built.  Then, if…


Biophoton Research Proves That the Human Body is Actually Made of Light

HJ: This is truly a case of science catching up with spirituality.  Spiritual masters throughout the ages have long been alluding to the fact that the body is made of light and the…

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