"happiness" tag

11 Ways to Find Happiness in Every Moment

HJ:  The potential for happiness exists in every moment — it’s simply a matter of perspective and how we choose to see ourselves and the world around us.  Often times we unwittingly develop…


How to Create More Love, Happiness and Abundance in Your Life Than You Ever Thought Possible

HJ: With the rise of ‘spiritually oriented marketing’ these days, we hear big promises like these all the time and about 90% of them majorly fail to deliver.  It’s not because the people…


How to Tap Into Deep Inner Happiness

HJ: True inner happiness is something that cannot be disturbed by anyone or anything… and it’s closer and easier to achieve than you think.  In every sense, all you need to do is…

How to Stay Centered When People and Situations Push Your Buttons

HJ: Just because someone pushes your buttons, doesn’t mean you have to react.  In fact, you can quite easily develop the ability to stay centered no matter what life throws at you. Before…


The Power of Giving: How to Transform Your Life By Helping Others

HJ: By helping others, we help ourselves.  It is the act of giving to one, which in turn gives to all.  This is the true power of giving. But let one thing be clear,…


28 Ways to Bring Greater Harmony, Wisdom and Love Into Your Relationships

HJ: Harmony in relationships, like harmony in any area of our life, is all about balance.  We may be either overly intellectual or overly emotional and therefore struggle with being too distant or…


How to Move Beyond the Limits of Your Comfort Zone and Start Living an Empowered Life

HJ: Leaving your comfort zone is one of the single greatest things you can do to evolve and grow as a person and move your life forward.  If you are feeling stuck, frustrated,…


Nine Ways Meditation Will Improve Your Relationships

HJ: Meditation does much more than simply calm the mind — it also radically improves our relationships, with friends, family, coworkers, lovers and even strangers.  As within, so without… Meditation shifts, heals and…


7 Inspiring Reasons Why You Need to Follow Your Bliss

HJ: Life is too short to do anything but follow your bliss.  Period.  Facing challenges in life is inevitable, but when you face challenges on the path of your personal bliss, you have…


9 Ways of Living That Always Lead to Deep Happiness and Fulfillment

HJ: Happiness and fulfillment are not random, but arise when you embrace certain ways of living that produce these traits like clockwork.  They are simple, profound approaches to life that allow us to…

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