"greek default" tag
athens acropolis greece

Germany’s Roadmap For A Greek Return To The Drachma

by Tyler Durden on 05/09/2012 12:20 -0400 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/germanys-roadmap-greek-return-drachma There has been much speculation about how the Greek endgame will play out, but precious little from the perspective of Germany. Until today. Courtesy of a three…

athens acropolis greece

Greek Exclusive: Brussels & Berlin Fear Anti-Troika Majority in May 6th Elections

By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/greece-exclusive-brussels-berlin-fear-anti-troika-majority-in-may-6th-elections-63/ Four out of five Greek voters against Troika puppet Venizelos Under Greek Law, the publication of electoral opinion polls is illegal from two weeks before General Election dates. So…

Spain Financial Crisis 4

Crash 2: 76 Years On, Spain Once Again Holds the Key to the Future

By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/20/crash-2-76-years-on-spain-once-again-holds-the-key-to-the-future/ For all kinds of reasons (entirely family, nothing to to with GCHQ etc) my posts will be briefer and more sporadic for the foreseeable future. Sometimes, stuff like this…

Greek Election Sensation: What the Voters Weren’t Told… But Just Found Out

By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/18/greek-election-sensation-what-the-voters-werent-told-but-just-found-out/ Papademos…possibly not entirely honest with Greeks IMF blunder forces out the truth about post-election crackdown Yesterday, the IMF released disastrous forecasts about the Greek economic outlook for 2012. Unwittingly…

europe at night

Euroblown: ClubMed Money stampedes Northwards as French Lay Plans to Cut the Bond Market’s Throat

Capital flight from the eurozone is accelerating at an alarming rate. But the real figure to look at is that for money heading north within the zone. It is absolutely unprecedented. In March 2012 alone,…

athens acropolis greece

Euroblown: Why the Main Greek Parties are Struggling For Support

By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/euroblown-a-small-clue-as-to-why-the-main-greek-parties-are-struggling-for-support-and-why-brussels-has-a-big-problem/ A small clue as to why the main Greek Parties are struggling for support…and why Brussels has a BIG problem I have from friends in Athens the latest percentage support…

athens suicide

Euroblown: While Papademos Talks Bollocks, Suicides Speak Volumes

By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/07/euroblown-while-papademos-talks-bollocks-suicides-speak-volumes/ Dimitris Christoulas’ suicide note is a death-sentence for the Troikanauts Lucas Papademos said during an official visit to Cyprus that current projections suggest Greece’s economic output — or gross…

athens acropolis greece

Revealed: How the Troika Bailout is Accelerating Greek Insolvency

by John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/revealed-how-the-troika-bailout-is-accelerating-greek-insolvency/ Why Athens is robbing Greek institutional bank accounts Slog’s Brussels source confirms Mish’s GET site analysis “I was wondering when someone would spot this,” said The Slog’s Brussels Mole…

greek islands lightning

Breaking: Two Main Greek Parties Already Breaking Bailout Agreement to Gain Votes

By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/breaking-two-main-greek-parties-already-breaking-bailout-agreement-to-gain-votes/ Dutch Finance Minister offers blunt warning against Athens trickery. Desperate eurocrats still hoping for Chinese, G20 involvement.  Greek media sources last night revealed that a get-out clause – in…

athens acropolis greece

Eurozone Debt: Two More UXB’s You Won’t Find in the UK & US MSM

By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/eurozone-debt-two-more-uxbs-you-wont-find-in-the-uk-us-msm/ Greece has no money to pay international law creditors, and the Bundesbank is owed 550 billion euros by debtor banks From Germany’s Deutsche Mittelstands Nachrichten this morning came the news that…

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