"forgiveness" tag

How to Expand Your Feelings of Self-Love: Deep Healing Through Forgiveness

HJ: Everyone is on the path towards love.  It takes us all different amounts of time to ultimately get there, but it is our ultimate destination—to return to the wholeness, joy and peace…


How to Heal Traumas and Grievances and Free Yourself From the Negative Energy

HJ: Holding on to past grievances, traumas and disagreements is energetically keeping you locked into a negative vibration.  Emotions that are not released become trapped in the nervous and energetic systems of the…


How to Forgive Yourself and Let Go of the Past Once and For All

HJ: Holding onto past regrets, pain, anger… whatever… is one of the primary causes of suffering.  So why would anyone do it, right? And yet it is difficult for many people  This article not…


5 Ways to Heal Past Emotional Wounds Through the Power of Forgiveness

HJ: As long as we blame other people, we give our power away to them. We let them control our happiness and peace of mind. However, when we take responsibility for the situation —…


The 4 Keys to Forgiving Yourself and Making Peace With Your Past

HJ: Forgiving yourself can be hard to do if you hold tightly to rigid views of right and wrong, as these keep you trapped in the belief that your lack of compassion towards…


Creating Peace and Harmony: How to Forgive Anyone For Anything (Including Yourself)

HJ: The irony of forgiveness is that it is often times easier to forgive someone else than it is to forgive yourself. However, as the Huna see it, everyone is simply an extension…

world at night

Jeshua ben Joseph: Humanity’s Awakening is Gaining Momentum

Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com October 23, 2011 Humanity’s awakening process is gaining momentum as increasing numbers of you focus on adopting attitudes that are in alignment with the divine energy…

debt forgiveness occupy

A Proposed Demand for Occupy Wall Street: Forgive the 99 Percent’s Debt

A proposed demand for Occupy Wall Street Let’s tackle the debt that actually matters VIDEO By Alex Pareene, Wednesday, Oct 5, 2011 (Credit: iStockphoto/kryczka/Salon) The establishment press’s primary “problem” with the Occupy Wall…

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