"european debt crisis" tag

Iceland to the Rest of the World: This is How You Survive Bankruptcy and Thrive

  Iceland Shows Other Europeans How to Survive Bankruptcy Small Atlantic nation enjoys growth and employment gains after failing to rescue its banks. Mainland Europe remains stuck with stagnation, decline, and ruinous “rescue”…


Hungary Tells IMF to Take a Hike Over Bailout Terms

Hungary Just Flipped The Bird To The IMF Over Bailout Terms Matthew Boesler | Sep. 6, 2012, 10:32 AM Business Insider Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán just announced in a video statement on his Facebook page that…

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European Union Outlook Downgraded to ‘Negative’ by Moody’s

Moody’s Downgrades European Union To Outlook Negative By Tyler Durden on 09/03/2012 18:09 -0400 Zero Hedge Not entirely surprising following the outlook changes for Germany, France, UK, and Holland but still an intriguing move right…

EU’s Poorest Country Bulgaria Refuses to Join Eurozone

EU’s Poorest Member Country Smacks Down Euro As Bulgaria Refuses To Join Eurozone By Tyler Durden on 09/03/2012 11:43 -0400 Zero Hedge If one needs a shining example of why the days of Europe’s artificial…


Citibank Predicts Greek Euro Exit as Soon as September

HJ: Well this is certainly interesting.  Could this be a way of conditioning the masses that we are really about to see the exit of Greece?  After almost 6 months of daily hemorrhaging it is…


Greece to Begin Selling Islands

HJ:  This is a sad day for the country of Greece.  Why do its politicians not stand up to the banksters/cabal as Iceland did?  Obviously, they have done quite well up there.  While…


Lord Rothschild Takes out £130m Bet Against the Euro

HJ: Well, this certainly confirms what many are claiming– that the Euro is doomed and the endless posturing and measures taken by the ECB, Germany and others are only preventing the inevitable and…

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Finland Prepares for Break-Up of Eurozone

HJ: I am always slightly suspicious of anything being reported in the mainstream media.  However, it is usually three parts truth mixed with one part misdirection, the classic disinformation recipe.  Just which part…


The Slog: The Awkward Truth About Iceland that the EU Refuses to Acknowledge

HJ: This is an excellent article from John Ward over at the Slog.  In it, he raises the point that Iceland is a shinning example of what the rest of the world should…

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Investors Prepare for Euro Collapse

HJ: This article ran in Der Spiegel, perhaps the most respected newspaper in Germany and similarly important on the larger global stage.  Sure, we have heard it all before, but now all the…

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