"energy" tag

Simple, Powerful Ways to Raise Your Vibration

HJ: While many of the ideas presented below may seem like ‘small steps’, combining just a few of them will make a large difference in your life.  Like a snowball rolling down a…


The Revolutionary New Technology That Produces Gasoline From Air

British engineers produce amazing ‘petrol from air’ technology Revolutionary new technology that produces “petrol from air” is being produced by a British firm, it emerged tonight. By Andrew Hough | Telegraph.co.uk — A small company…


How to Keep Your Energy Clear Leading Up to Ascension

By Wendy Joy Belle Spirit Magazine Ascension is a process which everyone is going through right now. The intensification of Earth’s energies is forcing changes in everyone, spiritual seeker or not. The changes…

cold fusion reactor

Massachusetts Explores Cold Fusion Plant

Greg Scott,  Conscious Life News, 12-8-2011 http://consciouslifenews.com/game-change-massachussetts-explores-cold-fusion-plant/1121905/ In a possible paradigm shift the cold fusion reactor inventor, Andrea Rossi, met a with a Mass. senator and scientists about building cold fusion power plants….

kashmir bliss

SaLuSa: We Are Exerting Unprecedented Pressure on the Dark Forces

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/December%202011/salusa__7december2011.htm 7-December-2011. Let it be said that there has never been such pressure placed upon the dark Ones as there is now. It will remain relentless until they resign,…

earth from space

Melchizedek: The Need for Staying Grounded

Melchizedek via Marlene Swetlishoff   http://www.therainbowscribe.com December 6, 2011 Beloved Ones, In this discourse I wish to bring to your attention the need to stay grounded each day. Work at developing a very strong…

light body process

Archangel Michael: Becoming a Light Upon the Path

Archangel Michael via Ronna Herman www.RonnaStar.com Beloved masters, it is vitally important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times whereby many special dispensations are in force. It is a grand opportunity…

ice crystal flower

My Collective Guides: You are Learning the Most Difficult Lessons on Your Own

My Collective Guides via Wes Annac http://www.aquariuschannelings.com We can feel up here in the Heavenly realms that at times you all think and feel that you that are not doing enough for the…

fractal time spiral

Archangel Metatron: Prepare For The 11-11-11 Stargate

Archangel Metatron, Lord Merlin and Lady Portia via Natalie Glasson http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/111111-energy-wave-and-activation-archangel-metatron-lord-merlin-and-lady-portia-part-1 A wealth and abundance of energy flows into your being now as we the souls upon the inner planes gather to connect…

blooming forest

Hilarion: This Week Brings Expanded Energy

Hilarion via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, You are moving into a higher than ever energy week and staying grounded during this time is very important. Touching base with the tree family and…

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