"emotional intelligence" tag

9 Powerful EFT Techniques to Get Rid of the Fear of Uncertainty

HJ: We are all capable of greatness, however, it is only our deepest hidden fears that keep us from stepping into it.  Remove the fears and with a little tenacity, greatness simply happens….


The 6 Keys to Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence

HJ: Developing emotional intelligence is one of the primary keys to living a deeply fulfilling and successful (how you define that in YOUR own terms) life because it is one of the most…


What to Do When You Are Feeling Stuck: 10 Ways to Get Your Life Moving in a Positive Direction

HJ: When you are feeling stuck, it’s a sign that something needs to change.  Usually that means simply looking at your life and situation differently, because after all, when you shift your perception,…


4 Steps for Clearing Out Old, Unwanted Emotions

HJ: The key to getting rid of emotions is acceptance, simply because what we resist persists.  Resistance blocks the natural flow of energy and causes stagnancy.  Emotions are truly like clouds.  Eventually they…

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3 Powerful Methods for Healing Your Past Emotional Wounds and Traumas

HJ: Your past does not equal your future unless you choose to let it have that power over you.  That’s a big statement — so what exactly do I mean by that?  Well,…


How to Get Your Fear and Self-Doubt Under Control (So You Can Achieve What You Set Your Mind To With Ease)

HJ: For most of us the problem is not finding motivation, but getting past our own fear and self-doubt.  If only we could get rid of them, we would be able to achieve…


The Wisdom in Struggle: Why We Have Painful Emotions (and How to Get Past Them Quickly)

HJ:  There is nothing you experience in life that does not have a lesson to teach you. Your greatest pain is just as big a gift as your joy and happiness. Your joy…


Living From Your Heart: 22 Keys to Intuitive Living

HJ: Living intuitively is transcending the limits of the mind and tuning into a higher level of awareness that can never lead you astray.  The rational mind is akin to a game of chess….


How to Discover Your Emotional Body Type

HJ: Similar to how we all have unique body types, this pattern also extends to our emotional tendencies and can be a very useful tool for helping us better understand ourselves.  When we…


5 Ways to Heal Past Emotional Wounds Through the Power of Forgiveness

HJ: As long as we blame other people, we give our power away to them. We let them control our happiness and peace of mind. However, when we take responsibility for the situation —…

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