40 Ways to Set Your Inner Child Free and Bring More Love, Laughter and Play Into Your Life
HJ: Be wild, be free, be you. This is all that is ever asked. Let that inner child out, the one who has not a care in the world, and watch your life…

What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You: How to Decode the Messages of Your Emotions
HJ: Emotions are not random. They are a highly intelligent form of energetic communication that are intended to help guide us through life. They can also be used to direct us to those…

The Art of Trusting Yourself: How to Tune Into Your Intuition and Inner Emotional Guidance
HJ: You know the truth by the way it feels. Trust your intuition, for it will never lead you astray. – Truth Trust Yourself – You Already Have All the Answers! By Nanice Ellis…

How to Heal Deep Emotional Wounds and Trauma So You Can Thrive
HJ: Healing is the path to reconnecting with your wholeness. To once again embodying who you truly are. To removing everything which is not you, but simply faulty perceptions of yourself, others, the…

5 Powerful Ways to Erase Worry From Your Life
HJ: Worry is the fear of what does not exist. Therefore, all worry is an illusion. It is fear of nothing. Instead of trust in the wisdom of everything. A simple fix to…

What to Do When Life Gets Tough: A Guide to Reconnecting With Bliss
HJ: Tough and challenging situations are just opportunities for growth and expansion in disguise. Make the shift and watch your life transform before your eyes. – Truth How to Cope and Keep Going…

The Top 7 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent, Happy People
HJ: Happiness is a habit. Emotional stability comes through mindful awareness and practice. Which, quite frankly, is great news. It means there is a systematic way to guarantee that you will be happy….

4 Keys to Overcoming Emotional Overload When You’re Highly Empathic
HJ: Being highly empathic is an amazing gift, but it also requires you to be able to discern what is yours and what is someone else’s. Otherwise you end up taking on other…

How to Control Your Emotions Instead of Letting Them Control You
HJ: While experiencing emotions is a fact of life, you don’t, in fact, have to let them take over your life. Despite how it may seem on the surface, you have the power,…

How to Heal and Clear Unwanted Emotional Energy
HJ: Emotions are energy in motion. And as you know, energy can become blocked and trapped within the body and mind for a number of reasons. Left unattended it can lead to disease…