20 Questions That Will Free Your Mind From Negative Thinking
HJ: It’s easy to get lost in the vicious cycle of negative thinking. But what if you could snap yourself out of it just by asking a few specific questions that quickly free your…

How to Release Emotional, Mental and Muscular Tension
HJ: Tension arises when we do not accept what is — be that events occurring in our lives, our emotions or our thoughts. These three things all have messages for us and reflect…

Arcturians: An Explanation of Your Spiritual Selves
Arcturians via Suzanne Lie http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/arcturian-message-good-day-we-are-arcturians We have come to remind you that you are one of the many who has made a pact with us. You made this pact while you were in…

Hilarion: Expect Changes to Your Physical and Spiritual Selves
Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com October 30 – November 6, 2011 Beloved Ones, Many changes are taking place within you during these times. Your cells are being changed to facilitate the transformation of…