"DNA Activation" tag

How to Heal Your Mind, Body and Spirit Using Light and Sound

HJ: We live in a vibrational universe in which everything is affected by and interacts with light and sound.  Therefore we can reverse engineer this and begin to use light and sound for healing…


How to Activate Your Higher Nature: Understanding the Interplay of Sacred Geometry, DNA and Cymatics

HJ: The sister sciences of sacred geometry and cymatics hold the keys to unlocking many aspects of higher consciousness and by succession, our DNA as well.  Their widespread use throughout history in the…


Raising Your Frequency in 2013

HJ: The act of raising ones frequency is a core concept to be explored and mastered on the spiritual path.  It is a timeless practice which continually builds upon itself in a beautiful…

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How To Alter Your DNA With Positive Emotion and Heart Centered Intention

HJ: Notice a theme here? Mind over matter. We create our own reality.  This is one of the core, fundamental truths of our existence at this time.  This is also where humanity is…

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DNA Activation: The Secret to Health and Enlightenment

DNA Activation: The Secret to Health and Enlightenment By Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer — It has been over a century since DNA was discovered and yet scientists still have not understood the true…

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Studies Confirm Meditation Transforms Our DNA and Improves Quality of Life

By Truth | The Healers Journal September 16th, 2012 In yet another case of science catching up with established ancient medical and spiritual practices, recent studies from such prestigious universities as Harvard and…

Programming RNA: The Future of Medicine

HJ: Dr. Dean describes an incredible new supplement that she has developed and patented that seems to be the start of a new revolution in the field of alternative medicine.  I for one,…

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