"DL Zeta" tag

DL Zeta: Activating Timelines of Inner Unity and Oneness

By DL Zeta Celestial Vision As old ways of being fade from your rearview mirror, you’re able to bring your full focus and attention to new visions and inspirations that stretch before you….


DL Zeta: Seeding Fifth-Dimensional Timelines in our Garden of No-Time

HJ: DL Zeta is by far one of the best sources of information in our present time.  These messages have all the hallmarks of truly impeccable, high-quality channeling.  The information is unique, yet…

pinnacle of fractal light small

DL Zeta: The Role of Chaos in Fifth-Dimensional Transitions

By DL Zeta July 2012 www.celestialvision.org Creative energies abound as we move deeper into July. The creative flow offers new ideas and opportunities – if we’re able to ride the wave of these…

natures abundance

DL Zeta: Meltdowns, New Focus Identities and Evolving-Door Realities: Answering Spirit’s Call to World Service

By DL Zeta DL Zeta It has been said we are never given a challenge we don’t have the resources to handle. While it is wise to have faith in one’s self, it…

DL Zeta: Choosing an Identity Self Aligned with Love and Abundance of Spirit

By DL Zeta | May 2012 http://www.celestialvision.org We are always free to choose an identity self who is experiencing peace and joy — regardless of the circumstances of our past. We are free to…

kashmir bliss

DL Zeta: Multi-Dimensional Dreams, Image Maps & Past Life Echoes

Spring’s Energetic Shifts Stoke the Fires of Transformation  http://www.celestialvision.org/journal/2012/5/4/multi-dimensional-dreams-image-maps-and-past-life-echoes-spr.html The fires of transformation burn hot and bright as we enter a time of energetic shifts that will hasten sudden change, clearings, openings, reversals…

fractal time spiral

DL Zeta: Love and Kindness are Fifth-Dimensional Signposts

14 April 2012 By DL Zeta http://www.celestialvision.org There are signposts that signal our arrival into fifth-dimensional consciousness. Love and kindness are two signposts upon which our foundation for inter-dimensional experience is based. Love…

hand lotus gold

An Old Soul’s Guide to Spirit Helpers in the New Time

By DL Zeta April 6, 2012 http://www.celestialvision.org/journal/2012/4/6/an-old-souls-guide-to-spirit-helpers-in-the-new-time.html We have much help here on Earth. Legions of guides, light beings and angel helpers inhabit the multi-dimensional realm of the unseen. Because they exist beyond…

light of heaven

DL Zeta: Love and Healing are Keys to Self-Realization

By DL Zeta March 17, 2012 http://www.celestialvision.org/journal/2012/3/17/love-and-healing-are-keys-to-self-realization.html Spring 2012 is ripe for renewal as we set our sights on new creations. Now, more than ever before, the forces of the universe are available…

dreamscape beach

DL Zeta: Opening to Downloads in Dream States and Waking Consciousness

DL Zeta: Opening to Downloads in Dream States and Waking Consciousness http://www.celestialvision.org/journal/2012/2/25/opening-to-downloads-in-dream-states-and-waking-consciousnes.html February 26, 2012 As we move further into the new time on planet Earth, many are receiving new downloads in consciousness….

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