"disclosure" tag
sand rippled sky desert

Galactic Federation & Spiritual Hierarchy: The Time for Disclosure is Near; New Financial and Political Systems to Come

Galactic Federation of Light & the Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle Dratzo! We return! Your world continues in its transition mode. We observe how all the foundational constructs of your numerous societies are in the…

shuttle moon

NASA Announces No-Fly Zones on the Moon

Originally Posted by Sheikh Mostafa Dawood @ forbiddenarcheology.blogspot.com Feeling the pressure of mounting investigations launched by citizen activists concerning alien structures and artifacts on the Moon and Mars, the US National Aeronautics and Space…

tree on hill

Jeshua Ben Joseph: Preparation for the Shift

Beloved one, you are one of the ones who volunteered, a long time ago, to be incarnate at this time, to come ahead of time to pave the way and to be here…

napoleon bonaparte

Microchip Found in Napoleon Bonaparte’s Skull

  Life’s Great Clues PARIS – Scientists examining the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte admit they are “deeply puzzled” by the discovery of a half-inch long microchip embedded in his skull. They say the…

athens acropolis greece

Letter from Dr. Larson: Europe is in Financial Chaos

By Dr. Mike Larson Dear Janis, All hell broke loose in Europe this morning: European stocks plummeted. The euro plunged. Greek bond prices crashed again and gold rocketed higher. Meanwhile, Greek Prime Minister…

crab pulsar wind

Andromeda Council + Alfred Webre: Disclosure, Nibiru, Elenin & the Coming Earth Changes

By Andromeda Council & Alfred Webre This is the second article in a series of articles on information of the Andromeda Council, a reported galactic governance council composed of selected star system representatives…

mount fuji japan

Obama Authorizes Stationing of Japanese Troops on US Soil

By Benjamin Fulford US President Barack Obama signed an executive order allowing 2500 elite Japanese soldiers to be stationed on US soil, according to a Japanese military intelligence agent. The Japanese self-defense forces…


The Galactic Federation: Disclosure is Imminent; Preparedness is Key

The Galactic Federation via Wanderer of the Skies http://wandererodtheskies.blogspot.com/2011/09/september-18-2011.html Greetings from the Federation: We now deliver to you our preamble to the greatest event in human history. You are about to undergo those…

icelandic eruption

Recent East Coast Earthquake Created by HAARP Technology

Chinese Warn United States Elite to Get Their Act Together and Pay Their Debts Questioner: This is a question from Lloyd.  He writes, “A 5.8 earthquake occurred in Virginia on August 23, 2011.  Question:…

obama speech

Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military

A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a…

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