New Disclosure Documentary: Sirius
HJ: This new documentary on disclosure and all things related to the continued cover up of the ongoing extra terrestrial presence throughout human history is sure to be an eye opener for many….

Dr. Steven Greer: Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret
By Dr Steven Greer Disclosure Project Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, passed away this weekend at age 82. Many have asked if Armstrong took with him the secrets…

Saul: Closure is Imminent — As is Disclosure!
Saul via John Smallman John Smallman’s Blog All of God’s children are being nudged towards awakening, and they are for the most part responding very positively. The times of darkness, chaos, confusion, and suffering…

Cobra Intel: Window of Opportunity 2
HJ: Well there is certainly a lot to ponder and be hopeful about in Cobra’s message today. It is in definite alignment with intel coming out of the Ben Fulford camp regarding big…

Nassim Haramein: New Mayan Artifacts Revealed by Mexican Government
Thanks to American Kabuki AK: Found this article on Facebook (here) Finally Nassim Haramein’s ancient star-gate artifacts makes some news! Watch his youtube presentation with Klaus Dona and make your own judgments on the…

Major Event: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks
Written by David Wilcock Friday, 13 April 2012 18:18 The next major milestone for Mass Arrests of the cabal has now arrived. Liens have now been filed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks….

Divine Flash + Acceleration of Events – April 13th, 2012
Divine Intervention Flash April 13th http://2012portal.blogspot.com/ A new flash of energy has been sent directly from the Source towards the surface of planet Earth on Friday, April 13th. The purpose of this energy…

John Lear Contradicts Neptune ‘Joy-Ride’ Account
Posted by Steve Beckow http://the2012scenario.com/2012/02/john-lear-contradicts-account/ Again I don’t think I can not return to mention this matter. With this post, I believe I’ve now attended to all loose threads and will not be…