Bill Buckler: The Modern Debt Jubilee
HJ: Bill Buckler of the Privateer presents a simple yet poignant argument for the institution of a debt jubilee. This would essentially be a death blow to the cabal. As such, it has…
John Aziz: The Shape of the Debt Reset
HJ: To supplement all the channeled messages of the coming debt reset/implementation of the new financial system, I am posting an article that outlines an explanation for a similar scenario based on current…
Scott Mowry: Historic Global Economic Transformations Moving Rapidly Forward
Major debt relief measures begin as prelude to mass arrest scenario while energy waves intensify from galactic center. By Scott Mowry, Miracles and Inspirations, News – May 2, 2012 The transformation to…
Fannie, Freddie to Forgive Mortgage Debt?
Richard Davies, ABC News, April 11, 2012 Another big push to help troubled homeowners may be in the works. The acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency has softened his stand…