"Creatorship" tag

Creating the Life of Your Dreams: Understanding and Working With The Law of Attraction

HJ: While all the talk of Ascension and what that means for humanity has its place, in a way, it obfuscates the real problems facing humanity at this time, which is a lack…


Neale Donald Walsch: Events and Experience Are Not The Same

HJ: If anything, the Ascension and subsequent events have only confirmed the need for a strong spiritual foundation, which after all, is the bedrock of existence.  What many fail to realize is that…


Kelly Niven: How We Create Our Experience

Kelly Niven | Life is Now — I would like to explain to you how we are creating everything that is happening to us.  I will also explain how our mind and body…


Cosmic Awareness: The Simple Truth – We Create Our Realities

Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic Awareness — QUESTIONER: Yes it is very clear, thank you. The next part is, “The mathematics are supposed to be that if 10% of the beings…


Archangel Metatron: The Process of Mastering Creatorship

HJ: Another profound message from Archangel Metatron  lays out in clear and concise fashion the exact steps that must be taken as a prerequisite for full manifestation and creatorship.  His messages resonate with…

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