Accepting Your Emotions: Why Feeling Bad is Actually Good
HJ: Part of the problem with the cultural shift towards ‘positive thinking’ is that many people take it a bit too far and use it to justify the quelling of emotions that are…
How To Train Your Mind to Achieve the Impossible
HJ: A fundamental misperception that afflicts the vast majority of people on the planet at this time is the belief that life happens to us and it is simply our job to survive…
The 10 Key Traits You Need to Master to Make the Most Out of Your Life
HJ: There are certain key traits and ways of approaching life that offer a framework for helping you to get the most out of it. These are not typically taught in school and…
How to Differentiate Between Your Intuition and Wishful Thinking
HJ: One of the main things that people learning to rekindle their relationship with their intuition struggle with is differentiating between what is a genuine intuitional message and what is simply wishful thinking…
World Crisis as Opportunity: The Re-Emergence of the Wisdom of Humanity
HJ: Reality is your perception of what is. Some of you choose to see a world in crisis — one on the brink of disaster and collapse. Still others choose to see a…
Developing Your Awareness: How to Rise Above Ordinary Consciousness
HJ: How do you differentiate between a conscious person and one who is trapped in ordinary states of consciousness? Here’s an example to help illustrate the difference between the two: Two people are watching a…
How to Balance Your Nervous System and Quiet the Mind with Spinal Breathing
HJ: Long ago, the ancient yogis, rishis and seers of India realized that consciousness, the mind and the body could be controlled and directed through the manipulation of breath. They termed this science…
Awakening to Your Purpose: The 3 Keys To Living From Your Soul
HJ: As we evolve spiritually, we begin living less from a mental framework and more from the intuitional soul level. The soul speaks to us subtly at first and can be difficult to…