"chinese medicine" tag

10 Top Adaptogenic Herbs to Heal Stress, Fatigue and Just About Anything Else

HJ: To put it mildy, adaptogenic herbs are some of the most powerful natural medicines in existence.  They have incredible, innate wisdom that allows them to balance the body, mind and spirit in…


How Energy Travels in the Body: The Meridian System and It’s Effects on Your Health

HJ:  The meridian system in the human body is the basis for many different healing modalities.  Three that immediately come to mind are acupressure, acupuncture and EFT (emotional freedom technique).  What do they…


How the Flavors of Food Affect Your Mind, Body and Spirit

HJ: It’s high time that we all begin to understand food beyond calories, proteins, vitamins, nutrition, etc.  While these are certainly important aspects of food in their own right, they are only a…


Courage, Fear and the Kidneys: How Our Organs Influence Our Emotions

HJ: The mind and spirit are intimately connected to the body.  Therefore, any disturbance in either the mind or spirit, will also have an energetic counterpart in the body.  For instance, an imbalance…


The Dietary Roots of Common Physical, Mental, and Emotional Imbalances

HJ: As Hippocrates famously said, ‘Let food be they medicine.”  While ancient medicine systems like Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine have long understood that food influences not just on the physical level, but…


How to Eat For Greater Health and Harmony: A Chinese Medicine Perspective

HJ: In the West we are typically focused on the nutritional value of foods.  We simplify everything in terms of vitamins, minerals, fats, protein and carbs and think that balancing these elements with…

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