594 Banker Resignations From Around the World
Compiled by American Kabuki American Kabuki “Some big names on Wall Street are eager to step out of the spotlight after enduring years of financial-crisis turbulence and negative attention from politicians and protesters, said…

World Resignation List: 750 and Counting – March 31st, 2012
http://www.facebook.com/MassResignations/app_2374336051 http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/ Tally :Totals for all three categories (since Jan 02): Banking & Financing – 317 Governments – 169 Companies etc. – 264 Total: 750 Banking & Financing:(Week 13 {so far}: 24 resignations 3/30/12 (USA)…

Global Banker Arrests List – March 26th, 2012
This is a new list I’ve started on banker arrests. This is preliminary and not complete. This research in progress. If you know of any additional arrests please send use the URL to americankabuki@yahoo.com http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/p/global-banker-arrests.html WORLDWIDE…

450 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Monetary Funds
http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/p/131-resignations-from-world-banks.html “Some big names on Wall Street are eager to step out of the spotlight after enduring years of financial-crisis turbulence and negative attention from politicians and protesters, said Peter Ressler, the chief executive…

320 Worldwide Resignations and Counting (March 13th, 2012 Update)
Updated 3/13/12 Special thanks to Gabriel at http://www.facebook.com/MassResignations for tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations. Also special thanks to Sophie who has kept me very busy with some very good URLs. http://americankabuki.blogspot.com Abreviations used: CEO =…

254 World Resignations and Counting – March 10th, 2012
Updated 3/10/12 More additions, thanks to Sophie who has kept me very busy. Thanks also to Gabriel at http://www.facebook.com/MassResignations for tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations. I don’t mind if you re-blog this listing. Save yourself the…

World Resignations List (Updated March 8th – March 9th, 2012)
http://www.facebook.com/MassResignations/app_2374336051 (Note: List broken down by sector– i.e. Banking, Gov’t, Business, etc.) Banking & Financing 3/09/12 (UK) Deutsche Bank PWM UK head Martyn Surguyquits http://tinyurl.com/79feuof 3/09/12 (UK) Alexis de Rosnay co-head of Lazard investment banking, quits http://tinyurl.com/85jevkh…

World Resignations List (Updated March 5th – March 7th, 2012)
http://www.facebook.com/MassResignations/app_2374336051 (Note: List broken down by sector– i.e. Banking, Gov’t, Business, etc.) Banking & Financing 3/07/12 (SINGAPORE) CEO Timothy McCarthy of Japan’s Nikko Asset Management steps down http://tinyurl.com/823uc6l 3/07/12 (CHINA/GLOBAL) UBS senior Asia economist Jonathan Anderson quits http://tinyurl.com/723qfzb 3/07/12 (GLOBAL)…

116 World Banking Resignations (March 3rd, 2012 Update)
116 RESIGNATIONS FROM WORLD BANKS, INVESTMENT HOUSES, MONEY FUNDS http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012/03/115-resignations-from-world-banks.html Recent updates 3/2/12: More resignations, removed Kenya Central Bank Governor as he is under pressure to resign but has not officially done so,…

55 Worldwide Banker Resignations, Arrests, and Trials (Updated List as of Feb. 26th, 2012)
WORLD BANKER RESIGNATIONS TOP 55 BANK CEO AND EXECUTIVE RESIGNATION UPDATE 2/21/24 …………………………… http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012/02/world-banker-resignations-total-55.html55 RESIGNATIONS FROM WORLD BANKS:(1) 9/01/11 (USA NY) Bank of New York Mellon Chief Resigns in a Shake-UP http://loanworkout.org/2011/09/bank-of-new-york-mellon-chief-resigns-in-a-shake-up/(2) 09/20/12…