"awareness" tag

3 Simple Mindfulness Meditations That Will Transform Your Outlook on Life

HJ: Staying centered and present in the moment is quite an easy task.  The challenge lies in unlearning a lifetime of conditioning that keeps us locked into thinking about the past and future….


The 20 Keys to Conscious Creation – Gregg Braden (Video + Text)

20 Keys of Conscious Creation by Gregg Braden Key 1: The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have…


7 Simple, Powerful Practices For Cultivating a Greater Connection to Your Spirit

HJ: Like planting seeds in a garden, the cultivation of our spirituality will allow us to reap a rich harvest in the form of a fulfilling, meaningful life.  If you are experiencing struggle,…


How to Liberate Your Full Potential Through Acceptance and Self-Discipline

HJ: Self discipline when combined with a state of profound acceptance is a massively powerful combination that can transform your life in ways that will liberate your true nature and ability to achieve…


10 Ghandi Quotes That Will Change Your Life

By Truth | The Healers Journal — The beauty of these profound truths lies in their innate simplicity.  They are unambiguous as to their true meaning and speak directly to the soul, piercing the veil…


12 Timeless Pearls of Wisdom to Guide You on the Spiritual Path

HJ: The spiritual path is not a straight line.  It is filled with twists, turns, switchbacks and areas where the path becomes hazy and hard to discern.  Therefore, it is important to have…


How to Eat for Higher Health and Consciousness

HJ: Essentially, the closer we are able to eat foods to their natural state — whole, unprocessed, fresh and natural/organic, the more life force energy we are able to derive from them.  Life…


You Are A Cell Within the Body of the Soul

HJ:  You are not insignificant.  Despite what you may have been told or despite what you believe about yourself, your life has great meaning.  You are an expression of the divine God consciousness in physical form…


Understanding Your Role in the Creation of Reality

HJ: Neale’s clarification of the commonly heard truth ‘You are the creator of your own reality’ is important because although this is a seemingly simple concept at first glance, the truth is that…

Are You Creating Lack or Abundance in Your Life?

HJ:  The subconscious belief in lack can take many forms in our life.  Lack as we experience it is really a lack of trust in the divine nature of the universe.  The divine…

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