The Pause Diet – For Joy, Health, Happiness and Peace
HJ: This is such a brilliant article. It outlines steps one can take to truly connect with and appreciate their food for the sacred gift it truly is. Most people have a highly…

Understanding The Post-Ascension World: The First Trimester of Energetic Development
HJ: Normally I would write a lengthy intro to a message such as this, but there is nothing I can add to it. All your answers are contained therein. – Truth Cosmic Awareness…

Seeing Past Our Mental Conditioning: Remembering the Divine Truth of Your Existence
HJ: Despite what you may believe, we are all aspects of the Creator. How can we know this? Nothing exists outside the mind/body/soul of the Creator. Everything that exists, exists in the mind/body/spirit…

The 13 Biggest Myths You Have Been Told About What it Means to be ‘Spiritual’
HJ: While these may be referred to as ‘Myths’ in the article below, and they most certainly are not necessarily true, in reality they are limiting beliefs that we have picked up along…

How to Recognize the Unlimited Opportunities in Your Life
HJ: Opportunity is constantly knocking on our door in a variety of ways, shapes and forms. One of the main things cutting us of from acknowledging and accessing these abundant opportunities is our…

10 Pieces of Profound Wisdom I Learned From Neale Donald Walsch
By Truth | The Healers Journal — Conversations With God: An Uncommon Dialogue by Neale Donald Walsch is a spiritual classic that is written from the point of view of “God’. Neale’s uncommon perpective as…

How to Work With Life Force Energy (Chi) for Greater Health, Happiness and Awareness
HJ: Nearly all traditional cultures recognize the concept of ‘Chi’ or ‘life force energy’, although they may use differing terminology to describe it. Many in the West are familiar with the concept of…

The 6 Most Common Ego Traps on the Spiritual Path
HJ: The frequency with which the following ego manifestations are showing themselves nowadays is on the rise as humanity collectively begins to embrace its spiritual nature and more than ever individuals are waking up to…

How to Overcome the 7 Biggest Roadblocks to Achieving Your Dreams
HJ: In some way, we all dream of a better life for ourselves. As the only constant in life is change, it is only natural that we would want to do so in…