What’s Keeping You From Healing? Why Some People Heal and Others Don’t (Part 3)
HJ: Often times, we choose not to heal because we believe that our body and mind will decay over time. This is a powerful, pervasive belief system that all but condemns us to…

How Judging Yourself and Others is Keeping You From Being Happier Than You Could Imagine
HJ: The act of judgement is keeping you from being content and happy. Furthermore, judgement is insidious in that we often do not even realize we are doing it. We must disassociate from and observe…

8 Life Lessons That Will Change the Way You Look at Yourself and the World
HJ: We can all benefit from a review of our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions, which dictate how we approach and experience life. For many of us, these patterns and mental constructs go unchallenged,…

Why Should You Meditate? The Dalai Lama Explains
Sure one could go into a long drawn out answer explaining why meditation is beneficial, but sometimes we just need a short, sweet to the point reason. Meditation will free you from suffering….

The 12 Steps to Higher Consciousness: A Whole New Level of Recovery
HJ: The parallels between addictions, the 12 steps, ego dramas, and spirituality become quite apparent in this latest piece from the talented writer Joy Sydney Williams. Addictions to drugs are extreme manifestations of the spiritual…

7 Truths About Life That Will Change the Way You Look at Yourself and the World
HJ: These are truly words to live by. What we are taught by our parents, religion and society at large about the true nature of reality is usually highly distorted and misleading. If…