The Top 12 Health Habits Acupuncturists Wish Wish Everyone Would Remember
HJ: If a master healer, after years of practice and study, gave you their highest recommendation for health, would you listen? Would you take their advice? I would certainly give the suggestion great…

Ancient Yogic Wisdom on How to Live and Eat for Radiant Health
HJ: With all the conflicting health advice we receive these days, how can one make sense of it all? What works and what is misleading? It is a difficult question to answer without…

How to Take Control of Your Thoughts and Use Them to Create the Life You Desire
HJ: If we wish to take control of the direction of our life, we must first take control of our thoughts. Our thoughts stem from our beliefs and both must be addressed if…

The 144 Light Pulse Meditation Technique: Powerful Healing Tool for the Mind, Body, Spirit and Planet
This simple, but profoundly powerful, historic meditation technique is given in its entirety for use by a new generation of Healers and mystics. By Truth | The Healers Journal — When I come…

How Manifestation Works at a Core Level: How to Use Your Higher Spiritual Abilities to Create What You Need
HJ: Manifestation is an artform and one that requires the lens of perception to turn inward rather than outward. A true manifestation happens in perfect divine timing, meaning that the demands and constraints…

How to Achieve Sexual Harmony: Harnessing the Primal Energy
HJ: Sexuality is a natural part of the human experience and one that is both beneficial and necessary, especially when given the sacred space it engenders. Up until quite recently, human sexuality was…

8 Common Habits You Need to Change If You Want To Be Happy
HJ: One of the most interesting aspects of the human mind is that, without a conscious effort otherwise, it typically falls victim to its own thoughts and patterns. It is not until someone…

How to Cultivate Unconditional Happiness in Your Life
HJ: Happiness, like most things in life, is a choice. Although many may be unconscious of this fact and be operating on autopilot in how they react to any given circumstance, event or…

Why Are We Here? Dr. Wayne Dyer on Finding Life’s Purpose
HJ: A solid foundation in spiritual wisdom is indispensable when discovering your purpose in life. By understanding the fundamental laws and concepts which govern our existence, we can better understand our role in it…

What Exactly the Ego is and Why You Should Care
HJ: The term ‘ego’ is thrown around pretty loosely these days yet seldom anyone truly knows what it is, why we have one, and how it is the root cause of much of…