How Failure Makes You a Winner: The One Quality That All Achievers Have in Common
HJ: Failure is a strong word. It implies that something did not go as planned — that in some way it was wrong, or even a mistake. However, this is only one aspect…

How to Tune Into the Messages of Your Higher Self
HJ: You are unlimited — this is one of the main messages our higher self is constantly sending us, but that we have learned to ignore. As children we believed it wholeheartedly, but as…

The 8 Taoist Secrets of Radiant Health and Longevity
HJ: Health is a holistic concept that goes far beyond meeting the basic physical needs of the body. Radiant health and longevity can only be achieved by acknowledging the role of the mind and spirit…

Are You Focusing on ‘What is Wrong’ or ‘What is Right’ With Your Life?
By Truth | The Healers Journal — One of the biggest challenges I see people facing that keeps them from expressing their full potential and manifesting what they truly desire is constantly focusing on ‘what…

How to Bring Your Life Into Greater Harmony By Reconnecting Your High and Low Self
HJ: Life is about balance. Within us we contain various aspects of the self (our consciousness) that are responsible for different functions and levels of awareness, such as maintaining the physical functioning of…