How to Harness The Incredible Manifestation Power Of Your Imagination
HJ: Your imagination holds the key to unlocking many of your manifestation abilities, that is, once it is liberated from the artificial boundaries of perception, limiting beliefs and is finally brought under conscious…
The 8 Levels of Human Consciousness: Where Are You on the Path of Development?
HJ: The 8 levels of human consciousness presented below are a framework one can use in order to understand where they may be in terms of the development of conscious awareness. No level…
Love What You Eat: How Your Beliefs About Food Majorly Affect Your Health
HJ: There are few things more supremely powerful in our lives than our thoughts. Spiritual masters have known it for millennia and research into quantum physics and consciousness is confirming it beyond a…
10 Ways to Stay Spiritually Connected in Your Day to Day Life
HJ: The title of this article cannot accurately capture the significance of its contents. Why, you ask? It is because these simple, daily practices are what truly produce the greatest transformation in ones…
The Keys to Successfully Creating Your Reality
HJ: We often hear spiritual teachers telling us that the world is but an illusion — what they mean is that the illusion is that anything exists independent of the contents of our…
How to Increase Your Vitality and Happiness With Mindful Eating
HJ: I often observe friends and family simply devouring food — only taking a few bites before swallowing and eating an entire meal in the space of 10 minutes. What this reflects is…
How to Transcend Your Comfort Zone and Move Into States of Higher Consciousness
HJ: One of the biggest things that holds people back in life is staying within the confines of their comfort zone. This gives the illusion of safety, when in fact, it is safety…
The 10 Laws of Belief: How to Attain True Freedom From the Limitations of Thought
HJ: Beliefs can either imprison us or liberate us. They form the basis for our perception of reality — that means they create our limits or consequently define the boundaries of our potential. They…