"awareness" tag

10 Ways to Discover Your Passion in Life (and Make it a Reality)

HJ: We are born with an inherent drive towards certain activities and avenues of fulfillment in life.  These speak to us through feelings of inspiration (primarily), excitement and passion and unless we persistently…


6 Powerful Ways to Cultivate Sustainable Happiness

HJ: Often times we confuse pleasure with happiness and then come to believe that it is fleeting.  Happiness is a state of mind, while pleasure is inherently a transitory experience.  In fact, some…


Lessons of Enlightenment: 15 Secret Spiritual Teachings Passed Down Through the Ages

HJ: The secret teachings expounded in the article below are a collection of ‘hidden’ pearls of wisdom and insight passed down through the ages and kept closely guarded by various spiritual lineages.  Many…


The 4 Stages of Love: Which Are You Operating From?

HJ: The four stages of love range from selfishness to selflessness and directly reflect your level of awareness/consciousness.  To clarify, one can be operating at more than one level simultaneously in different aspects…


12 Powerful Ways to Simplify Your Life

HJ: I find that my life (and my workspaces especially) have a tendency towards becoming cluttered and messy if I do not regularly make time to simplify them.  This is probably a result of the natural impetus…


How to Manifest Your Destiny With Imagination, Devotion and Courage

HJ: There are certain ‘key traits’ that one needs to develop and cultivate if they truly wish to begin manifesting their destiny and ultimately begin creating their lives according to the larger vision…

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Demystifying Enlightenment: Understanding the States and Stages You Pass Through When Raising Your Consciousness

HJ: Despite the perception that enlightenment is some sort of mystical state that is beyond description, there is, in fact, a rather linear explanation and framework to describe and map the raising of ones…


Dream Psychology: Awakening Your Inner Vision

HJ: In the dream state, our minds are freed from the everyday limits of waking consciousness.  Dreams are intensely therapeutic and can offer us deep insight into the nature of our own being…


How to Know When You Have Found Your Calling in Life: 10 Unmistakable Signs

HJ: We all have a unique calling in life that is essentially our destiny, if we choose to live up to it.  We can choose to avoid this higher calling, and from a…


How to Release Emotional, Mental and Muscular Tension

HJ: Tension arises when we do not accept what is — be that events occurring in our lives, our emotions or our thoughts.  These three things all have messages for us and reflect…

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