Powerful Ancient Yoga Practices to Help You Eliminate the Root Causes of Stress
HJ: A holistic yoga practice, one incorporating breathing exercises, relaxation and poses, is one of the most effective things you can utilitze to not just overcome stress in the moment, but actually eliminate…
How to Use Positive Affirmations to Powerfully Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
HJ: Positive affirmations are far more than just some wishy washy New Age technique. They are, in fact, incredibly powerful tools for reshaping your subconscious mind. Positive affirmations, when used properly and effectively…
How to Tune Into Your Inner Wisdom
HJ: We live in a world where we are told by our culture to trust only science and that which can be seen and felt, that which has been studied, dissected and proven….
5 Keys to Developing Your Emotional Intelligence
HJ: Developing your emotional intelligence will allow you to connect with yourself and others on a much deeper and more meaningful level as well as improve your overall happiness and life satisfaction. As humans,…
Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: February 2014 Horoscope
HJ: February is shaping up to be quite an interesting month. Dr. Holman’s always insightful guidance will help those open to receiving deep spiritual wisdom successfully navigate their own inner waters as well…
How to Master the Art of Tapping Into Your Intuition
HJ: There is an art to tapping into your intuition that once mastered allows you to receive unlimited guidance, inspiration and creative ability in your life. It is not terribly difficult to do either….
How to Read Other Peoples Energy
HJ: Learning how to read other peoples energy is a crucial life skill because it allows you to look beyond what people are saying and understand who they really are at their essence….
8 Reasons to Smile That Will Have You Grinning Every Chance You Get
HJ: In this article you’ll find some powerful reasons to smile — not corny, sentimental reasons, but scientifically backed research proving that smiling can have major positive benefits on your health, happiness and…
How to Use Visualization Exercises to Take Your Health to the Next Level
HJ: Visualization exercises are some of the most powerful tools you have to create, maintain and enhance your health. We have been taught to believe that health begins and ends in the body…
Having Trouble Trying to Find Your Purpose? These 3 Powerful Questions Will Help You Discover It
HJ: If you have been struggling to find your purpose then you need ask yourself these 3 powerful questions. They will help you discover the qualities you posses that can be successfully translated…