"ascension" tag
banksy euro

Ben Fulford: Insiders Predict a 5-day Bank Holiday in Europe Before Euro Ends

Posted on May 28, 2012  By Benjamin Fulford http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/ben-fulford-insiders-predict-a-5-day-bank-holiday-in-europe-before-euro-ends-renminbi-may-replace-us-dollar-in-september-may-28-2012/#more-42157 The final showdown in the ongoing financial war is appearing imminent. The 140 nation BRICS alliance is preparing to offer to buy up all cash…

black white heaven light

Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty

Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana May 27, 2012 http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2012.htm Beloved Ones, This is a time for deep inner contemplation and the discerning of that which still exists within yourselves that no longer serves the…

volcano green light

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 145

By Aisha North http://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-145/ Since the dawn of mankind, the quest for something bigger and better has been on everyone’s mind, and rightly so, as you have all been imbued with a longing…

earth from space

Cobra Intel: Current Archons Situation Update

Current Archons Situation Update Although Reboot of the Grid was very successful, one significant part of the Archons grid on the etheric and astral planes is still intact. It is a grid that…

sand rippled sky desert

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 144

By Aisha North http://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2012/05/26/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-144/ As we have discussed earlier, now the time for acceleration has come. Many of you have already felt this very strongly in your physical body, and we can agree…

galactic nebulae

Hatonn: An Update on Nibiru – May 23rd, 2012

Wake up Call: Hatonn, May 23, 12 Hatonn via Nancy Tate http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/Wakeup%20Call/MWmesages/May2012/Hatonn05-23-12.htm   I am here today to bring you some information from out in the universe. I am Hatonn and I come…

tide rock blur

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 143

By Aisha North http://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2012/05/24/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-143/ Today we would like to delve a bit further into the ongoing changes. Although they on the surface may not be as visible as some of you wish, rest…

light of heaven

The Arcturian Group – May 21, 2012

The Arcturians via Marilyn Raffaele http://www.onenessofall.com Dear ones, we come again to remind you of the many changes you are about to see and are now seeing upon your planet. Changes are now…

soul light from heaven

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 142

By Aisha North http://aishanorth.wordpress.com/2012/05/22/the-manuscript-of-survival-part-142/ As the times rolls by, everything is starting to gather more and more momentum, and this can in many ways be likened to the start of an avalanche. Small…

Stanislav Graf: Holotropic Research and Archetypal Astrology

http://www.stanislavgrof.com/pdf/05_Archai_Grof_Holotropic_Research.pdf By Stanislav Grof In the concluding article in this section, Stanislav Grof addresses the interface between transpersonal psychology and the astrological perspective, describing his collaboration with Richard Tarnas and the connections they…

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