18 Small Things You Can Do Today That Lead to Big Happiness
HJ: Big happiness (that lasts!) doesn’t usually come from any one thing… it is the result of many small choices that change the course of your life. After all, that is what gives…

The 3 Keys to Turning Your Dreams Into Reality
HJ: People who are consistently able to turn their dreams into reality all share a similar set of characteristics. As they say, “Success leaves clues.” It is easy to fall into the trap…

How to Set Goals Correctly So That You Will Actually Achieve Them
HJ: What if you could set goals that virtually guaranteed that you would achieve them, no matter how audacious or grand? Goals that improved your life starting the moment you made them? This…

The Science of Getting What You Want: The Powerful 7 Step Process to Help you Achieve Anything
HJ: Getting what you want isn’t terribly difficult, it simply requires you to do the necessary internal work to get yourself there and take the initiative. The biggest mistake people make trying to…

10 Highly Effective Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure
HJ: More than anything else, it is the fear of failure which keeps us from achieving the greatness each one of us is destined for, should we choose to embrace our talents and…

20 Powerful Questions to Help You Find Work You Love and Discover Your Personal Inspiration
HJ: When we are children we dream of doing the work we love because of sheer passion and inherent interest. As we age, we often times trade these childhood dreams for a paycheck,…

Your Unlimited Potential: How to Move Beyond the Limitations of Positive Thinking
HJ: Just the term ‘positive thinking’ implies there is something negative to be positive about. But what if we moved beyond the whole dualistic idea of positivity and negativity altogether? This is what…

10 Ways to Discover Your Passion in Life (and Make it a Reality)
HJ: We are born with an inherent drive towards certain activities and avenues of fulfillment in life. These speak to us through feelings of inspiration (primarily), excitement and passion and unless we persistently…

How to Know When You Have Found Your Calling in Life: 10 Unmistakable Signs
HJ: We all have a unique calling in life that is essentially our destiny, if we choose to live up to it. We can choose to avoid this higher calling, and from a…

Expanding the Possibilities in Your Reality: How to Create Your Own Luck
HJ: The legendary Roman philosopher Seneca once remarked “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” And he is correct in that luck, which could be likened unto synchronicity or opportunity, is a…