How to Deeply Love Your Body and Yourself
HJ: Love, not time, heals all wounds. And when you heal all emotional wounds, you thrive, plain and simple. – Truth The Real Secret to Loving Your Body and Yourself By Corinne Dobbas…

The Road to Enlightenment: How to Find Compassion For Others in Difficult Situations
HJ: To develop condition-less compassion for others is a fast path to enlightenment. Compassion overlaps greatly with gratitude as well producing a number of beneficial effects on the mind-body-spirit triad and generally improving…

How to Infuse Your Life With Greater Contentment and Peace
HJ: Imagine your life only better — more peaceful, with greater contentment and flow in everything you do. Today’s article is all about helping you get there and making the process itself mellow,…

20 Profound Things to Be Grateful For (That Will Change Your Life if You Let Them)
HJ: Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotional tools we have in our arsenal as creator beings. Simply because what you resonate with you attract more of into your life. Emotions are…

How to Develop Unconditional Love and Acceptance for the People in Your Life
HJ: Each of us is on our own path in life. Everyone moves at their own pace and is learning lessons unique to them. When we understand this and accept this, we can…

How to Stop Judging Yourself and Start Loving Who You Are
HJ: Most people are trapped between the fear of disapproval and the desire for approval, which causes us to act in ways that are not true to ourselves, and yet, the irony is…

Awakening the Heart: Spiritual Wisdom to Help You Heal Emotional Pain and Thrive
HJ: In one way or another, all of our problems can be traced back to unhealed emotional pain. By awakening the heart and clearing out the debris left from past memories and experiences,…

Accepting Your Emotions: Why Feeling Bad is Actually Good
HJ: Part of the problem with the cultural shift towards ‘positive thinking’ is that many people take it a bit too far and use it to justify the quelling of emotions that are…

The Key to Finding Deeper Levels of Happiness Than You Ever Thought Possible
HJ: Often times we are not aware that we are keeping ourselves from being happy by simply having the perception that in some way whatever we are experiencing is not as it should…

How to Liberate Your Full Potential Through Acceptance and Self-Discipline
HJ: Self discipline when combined with a state of profound acceptance is a massively powerful combination that can transform your life in ways that will liberate your true nature and ability to achieve…