"5th Dimensional Timelines" tag

The Art, Experience and Science of Shifting Your Personal Timeline

The Art, Experience and Science of Shifting Your Personal Timeline By Truth | The Healers Journal — While responding to comments on an article that was recently posted on the Healers Journal, I…


DL Zeta: Uniting our Physical and Energetic Selves Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

HJ: DL Zeta continues to be one of the best sources for higher dimensional spiritual information available at this time.  She has literally laid out a complete road map to accessing our higher…


The 2012 Quantum Identity Shift: Stepping into the Footprints of our Fifth-Dimensional Selves

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As we move toward the December 21 solstice point, we find ourselves standing in the doorway of a new moment in human consciousness. Because everything in…

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DL Zeta: Unconditional Love Shifts us to Timelines of Peace and Prosperity

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As we move closer to the December solstice, we will find our success and fulfillment based more than ever before upon our degree of alignment with the…


DL Zeta: Steps to Activating Timelines of Inner Unity and Oneness

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — As old ways of being fade from your rearview mirror, you’re able to bring your full focus and attention to new visions and inspirations that stretch…


Navigating the New Time through Dream Downloads and Dimensional Travels

By DL Zeta | Celestial Vision — Dreams are one way our mind goes “off the grid” to commune with other aspects of our consciousness, but dream states are not the only portals…

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Timeline Shifts and Dream Futures are Keys to Quantum Healing

By DL Zeta Celestial Vision Healing is an important part of our life purpose. True permanent healing is about loving ourselves enough to take a journey to our innermost being in order to…


DL Zeta: Cultivating ‘Dream Futures’ to Energize your Highest Potentials

HJ: I realize that I probably sound like a broken record at this point, singing the praises of DL Zeta, but how can I not?  It is rare to find such great advice…

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