"2011" tag
ubs bank

Swiss Banks Said Ready to Reveal Clients

David Voreacos, Klaus Wille and Giles Broom, 10-24-11, Bloomberg http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-24/swiss-banks-said-ready-to-pay-billions-disclose-customer-names.html Swiss banks will probably settle a sweeping U.S. probe of offshore tax evasion by paying billions of dollars and handing over names of…

bofa protest

November 5th Bank Revolt Underway: Spread the Word

By Steve Beckow A bank revolt appears to be underway, people withdrawing money from big banks and, in some cases, getting arrested. Here are several videos on the movement. It’s interesting that, if…

the quickening clock

The Quickening (Documentary)

All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they… believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality… or…

mayan country

Carl Calleman: What Will the End of the Mayan Calendar Mean?

http://www.maya-portal.net/blog/carl-calleman/what-will-end-mayan-calendar-mean For some time there has been a discussion as to what is the true end date of the Mayan calendar, October 28, 2011 or December 21, 2012, and somewhat paradoxically this has…

light of the soul

SaLuSa: The Coming Weeks Will Herald Major Changes

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey SaLuSa  12-October-2011 http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/October%202011/salusa__12october2011.htm There is no doubt that your creative powers are opening up paths to Ascension that are extremely powerful, and that is speeding up the changes. It…

light body process

How to Correctly Interpret the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process

By Dr. Georgi Stankov, MD http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/breaking-astral-news/howtointerpretcorrectlytheclinicalsymptomsofyourlightbodyprocess The information given in this article is based on my personal experience with the Light Body Process (LBP), since I entered the last and most intensive phase in…

rainbow fractal

Children of the Sun: 11-11-11 Portal & Elenin Timeline + Calendar

Timetable for Upcoming Cosmic Events and Activations Created by Children of the Sun Foundation Equinox to the 11-11-11 Now is the time that we have waited for, potentially the greatest sequence of events…

fall tree light

Carl Calleman: Cosmic Convergence Underway (Sept. 23rd-26th, 2011)

Original Article Posted July 31st, 2011 http://www.calleman.com/content/articles/CosmicConvergenceSeptember23-26.htm At the time of writing (July 31, 2011) we are at the beginning of the fifth day of the Ninth wave and then also rapidly approaching…

etheral Forest

Denise Le Fay: Sept. 23rd Fall Equinox; Night Six of Mayan Calendar

2011 Fall Equinox and Night Six by Denise Le Fay, 9/13/2011 September 23, 2011 is the Fall Equinox Today is Sept. 13, 2011 and I just realized that the fall Equinox is mere…

full harvest moon

Children of the Sun: The Equinox Superwave

By Children of the Sun Foundation Cosmic Superwave Sweeping Over Us With our collective kundalini on the rise, the timing could not be more perfect for the arrival of the Equinox and the…

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