World Events

Itzhak Beery: The Shamanic Path to Material and Spiritual Abundance

HJ: Largely forgotten in the West, the Shamanic path and the techniques developed over 1000’s of years by these powerful masters of the spirit and physical planes can hold great opportunity and potential…


Comprehensive List of 2013 Astrological and Planetary Alignments

HJ: For those who are interested in such things, I present James Tyberonn’s comprehensive list of astrological and planetary alignments for 2013.  Hopefully this information will help you to plan and prepare for upcoming dates…


Discovering and Working With Your Archetype

HJ: Knowing ones archetype allows for a greater understanding of the personality and self, which is intimately linked to spiritual growth.  Archetypes are classical representations of different personality types who all carry great…


Shamanic Forecast: Transitions – January 2013

HJ:  Lena speaks here of transitions and this is an entirely fitting summation of the energies of January 2013.  As the new age of Aquarius continues to unfold, it will most certainly be…


A Revolution in Consciousness

HJ: Owen K Waters brilliantly illustrates the 80-20 rule and how it relates to lightworkers and the coming unfolding revolution in consciousness.  Many wonder whether their efforts are significant and if they truly make any…

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Osho: You Are Absolutely Essential

HJ: Osho is one of the most interesting and provocative philosophers of the 21st century.  His thoughts and ideas have simultaneously helped many to reach higher levels of awareness and also managed to…

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Emmanuel Dagher: January 2013 Energy Forecast – The In Between Stage

HJ: I am a big fan of Emmanuel Dagher.  His words deeply resonate with me and it is obvious that he is speaking from a place of wisdom and deep caring for all….


The Lost Land of Hyperborea & the Quest for Mystical Enlightenment

HJ: Almost everyone has heard of (or lived in) Atlantis.  Fewer have heard of Lemuria and fewer still of Mu.  But Hyperborea?  This ancient land is simply not common knowledge outside of Esoteric…


Is Portugal the Next Iceland? President May Challenge the Constitutionality of Austerity

HJ: 2013 has just begun and already the news stories are becoming very, very interesting.  Are we witnessing the beginning of the sea change?  We have been told that this is what will…


Benjamin Fulford: The Cabal is In A Severely Weakened State

HJ: While Ben’s messages are certainly controversial, they are none the less one of the rare glimpses we get into the inner workings of the cabal and high-level geopolitical drama, which is an…

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