The True Origins of the Races of The People of Earth
HJ: As is typically the case with many of the things you have been taught in life by ‘society’ (for lack of a better word), you must begin the process of unlearning in…

Laying the Foundation for Personal Transformation
HJ: It’s easy to get caught up (or perhaps, stuck…) in a routine. Especially for those working a full-time 9-5 job, where the days begin to blur together and months slip away at…

Understanding the Basics of Shamanic Visioning
HJ: The Shaman teaches through direct experience, whereas we are taught to analyze and study first in Western society. No amount of study can ever prepare one fully for direct experience. As many…

Benjamin Fulford: Signs of Cabal Defeat Are Proliferating
HJ: As the higher dimensional energies continue to pour in, we are simultaneously receiving reports from the trenches that the power network of the cabal is slowly but surely collapsing. Indeed there have been many…

The Transformative Power of the Mentor
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” – Zen Proverb HJ: In divine time, we will all awaken. However, those whose impetus is to reach as high a level of consciousness and…

Researchers Uncover Proof That Supplements Were Used Thousands Of Years Ago
HJ: This is such an incredible discovery and one that totally confirms my ongoing research into nutrition, diet, and health. For as long as I can remember, I have been studying the nutritional…

12 Awe Inspiring Psychedelic Photos of Earth Taken From Satellites
Images Courtesy of USGS These images, which were captured using advanced sensors on satellites Landsat 5 and 7, ASTER, and MODIS currently orbiting Earth are proof that the line between science and art…