Archangel Michael: An Hour With an Angel (12-12-11)
An Hour with an Angel, 12/12/11 Hello and welcome to An Hour with an Angel. I’m delighted to have joining us special guests Archangel Michael and Linda Dillon, who will be channeling Archangel…

Archangel Michael on 12-12-11 (Repost)
Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon on 12/12/11, November 31, 2011 Steve Beckow: Now, if you would assist us light-workers to know what we can expect on 12/12/11, and then I’ll ask you a…

Archangel Michael: The Upcoming Eclipse and Changes in Your World
Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon 12/12/11, November 31, 2011 http://the2012scenario.com/2011/12/archangel-michael-on-121211-transcript-added/ With thanks to Ellen for the transcript. Steve Beckow: Now, if you would assist us light-workers to know what we can expect on…

Occupy Together: Images of the Collective Awakening
http://stevebeckow.com/2011/10/bases-bridges-and-global-dissent/ Occupy Wall Street, USA Occupy Madrid, Spain Occupy Berlin, Germany Occupy Amsterdam, The Netherlands Occupy Bucharest, Romania Occupy Lisbon, Portugal Occupy London, UK (in the middle: Wikileaks’ Julian Assange) Occupy Manilla, The…

Archangel Michael: Why Different Accounts of Ascension Disagree
http://stevebeckow.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-why-different-accounts-of-ascension-disagree/ Susan S: Well, I’d like to ask a question about…you made a comment about looking outside of myself, which I think a lot of us are doing… My main question is about…

November 5th Bank Revolt Underway: Spread the Word
By Steve Beckow A bank revolt appears to be underway, people withdrawing money from big banks and, in some cases, getting arrested. Here are several videos on the movement. It’s interesting that, if…

White House May Have Upped Lower Limit on Disclosure Petition to 25,000
By Steve Beckow http://stevebeckow.com/2011/10/white-house-ups-lower-limit-on-disclosure-petition-to-25000/ Andre believes that the raised threshold only applies to petitions created after Oct. 3. I quote him: “I think you made a mistake about posting the update about the…

Archangel Michael: Creating a World of Peace
The following is a reading with Archangel Michael from Sept. 13, 2011, through Linda Dillon. In it he discusses dimensionality, Ascension, disappearances, shifts or “waves” of Ascension, equivalence of planes and dimensions, Libya…