Krishnamurti: Total Freedom
Total Freedom by J. Krishnamurti J. Krishnamurti Online Seventh Public Talk in Saanen July 1974 This is the last talk or whatever you call it, and we will have discussions on the 1st,…

John Lear Contradicts Neptune ‘Joy-Ride’ Account
Posted by Steve Beckow http://the2012scenario.com/2012/02/john-lear-contradicts-account/ Again I don’t think I can not return to mention this matter. With this post, I believe I’ve now attended to all loose threads and will not be…

Steve Beckow: Decision on Staying or Leaving
http://the2012scenario.com/2012/02/decision-on-staying-or-leaving/#more-94567 2012 FEBRUARY 6 Posted by Steve Beckow Folks, I’ve made my decision on the basis of the comments I’ve read attached to the two articles looking at the postponed/failed/cancelled Voyage to the Stars….

Steve Beckow: Prepare For Disclosure – Could This Be The Turning Point?
http://the2012scenario.com/2012/02/the-monumental-act-that-you-have-done/#more-93868 We had 80,000 hits on the 2012 Scenario website yesterday. We expect over 100,000 today. If you consider what’s happening from the point of view of the movement to push ET/UFO Disclosure…

#Occupy Disclosure: Archangel Michael on Our Voyage to the Stars
The following is a reading between Steve Beckow, his wife D’Arcy, and Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, on the upcoming Voyage to the Stars, which represents the people’s disclosure of the ET and…

Steve Beckow: Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, Jan. 30, 2012, with Grener
An Hour with an Angel, January 30, 2012, with Grener of Ashira, President of the Intergalactic Council http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-jan-30-2012-with-grener/ Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, a weekly radio program with…

Archangel Michael: Transcript of an Hour With an Angel, Jan. 2, 2012
2012 JANUARY 3 http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-jan-2-2012/ Posted by Steve Beckow Quick as can be, Ellen has produced a transcript of last night’s Hour with an Angel, just in time for your morning coffee. Thank you, Ellen. Linda…

Udo Continues the Story of the Filipino Treasure
2012 JANUARY 1 http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/udo-continues-the-story-of-the-filipino-treasure/#more-87361 Posted by Steve Beckow Udo Pelkowski is gradually unfolding his story of the Filipino treasure. I’m not pressing him too much since the revelation of a matter like this probably…

Treasure Hunters Declare Their Find and Offer to Return It
http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/treasure-hunters-declare-their-find-and-offer-to-return-it/#more-87499 Posted by Steve Beckow It takes incredible chutzpah and integrity to find a fabulous treasure belonging to a government which surely must be known for treating many people in an arbitrary fashion…

Evidence Corroborating David Wilcock’s Recent Allegations: Philippine Gold, Platinum, and Cash
2011 DECEMBER 30 http://the2012scenario.com/2011/12/evidence-corroborating-david-wilcocks-recent-allegations-philippine-gold/ Posted by Steve Beckow PIC 17 Reader Udo Pelkowski contacted me some months ago and offered to share with me a great deal of information on gold and platinum bullion…