
The Spiritual Role of Minerals in the Body: The Foundations of Health and Awareness

HJ: Nerve transmissions are very minor, but powerful and important electric charges — the body runs on subtle currents which require the proper minerals and metals for their transmission.  The body maintains a…


How to Differentiate Between Your Own Energy and the Various Energies You Are Exposed to Everyday

HJ: It took me nearly 25 years to realize that I am empathic and am constantly picking up on the energy of other people as well as cosmic/planetary energies and those inharmonious ones emitted by…


Accessing the Sacred Energy of Trees: Understanding Their Role in Supporting Life and Consciousness

HJ: Trees are such an integral part of life on this planet that we often times take them for granted. Any common object in our life is frequently overlooked until we reach higher…


The Chemistry of Consciousness: How Our Brain Synthesizes Spirit Molecules and How to Increase Their Production

HJ: There is a chain of substances known as ‘spirit molecules’ which are largely believed to be the chemical foundation for the experience of consciousness in the body.  These neurotransmitters are largely believed…


How to Understand and Work With the I-Ching: The Mysterious, Ancient Chinese System of Divination

HJ: The I Ching is widely considered to be one of the most profound books of wisdom ever created in the history of mankind.  It’s roots and source are as mysterious as the…


The Role of Synchronicity in Our Lives: Recognizing the Keys to Our Destiny

HJ: Life is not random. There are no coincidences — only significant events and occurrences   Yes, everything is significant in its own way, at its own level.  This is the true, beautiful and supremely…


The Unfolding Emergence of the New Consciousness: Perspectives From a Master Swami

HJ: We are all moving at different speeds in our conscious evolution — some are riding the wave of the shift and making incredible leaps and bounds daily.  On the other end of…


The Art of Listening and Its Role in the Development of Consciousness

HJ: Even though we make think we are listening, most of the time, we are simply waiting to speak.  Typically we don’t even realize it, as it is a habit we have developed…


Exploring Vedic Astrology: The Ancient Celestial Science of the Soul

HJ: Vedic astrology is a profound, ancient science that is stunningly accurate.  Based on precise astrological and celestial alignments at the time of our birth, it is a powerful tool for helping us to better…


How to Heal Anything: Understanding the Fundamental Nature of How Healing Works

HJ: Despite what you may have been told or led to believe, you can heal any illness, ailment, disease or spiritual issue with your own focus and intent.  We are not beholden to…

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