How to Take Control of Your Thoughts and Use Them to Create the Life You Desire
HJ: If we wish to take control of the direction of our life, we must first take control of our thoughts. Our thoughts stem from our beliefs and both must be addressed if…

The 144 Light Pulse Meditation Technique: Powerful Healing Tool for the Mind, Body, Spirit and Planet
This simple, but profoundly powerful, historic meditation technique is given in its entirety for use by a new generation of Healers and mystics. By Truth | The Healers Journal — When I come…

How Manifestation Works at a Core Level: How to Use Your Higher Spiritual Abilities to Create What You Need
HJ: Manifestation is an artform and one that requires the lens of perception to turn inward rather than outward. A true manifestation happens in perfect divine timing, meaning that the demands and constraints…

How to Use Sound to Heal: Understanding the Principles of Resonance in the Human Body
HJ: Anyone who has experienced a quality sound healing can attest to the profound power they have to induce states of expanded awareness and deep healing. But how, exactly does this work? What…

The Benefits of Cultivating Spiritual Awareness In Your Life: How Higher Consciousness Leads to Happiness
HJ: Why should you care about enlightenment, spiritual awareness and higher consciousness? What benefit does all this seemingly esoteric talk and discussion add to your day to day life? Everything. As Dr. Bitkoff points…

8 Common Habits You Need to Change If You Want To Be Happy
HJ: One of the most interesting aspects of the human mind is that, without a conscious effort otherwise, it typically falls victim to its own thoughts and patterns. It is not until someone…

How to Cultivate Unconditional Happiness in Your Life
HJ: Happiness, like most things in life, is a choice. Although many may be unconscious of this fact and be operating on autopilot in how they react to any given circumstance, event or…

Why Are We Here? Dr. Wayne Dyer on Finding Life’s Purpose
HJ: A solid foundation in spiritual wisdom is indispensable when discovering your purpose in life. By understanding the fundamental laws and concepts which govern our existence, we can better understand our role in it…

Biodynamic Farming: Going Beyond Organic Agriculture in Search of a Truly Holistic Method of Growing Food
HJ: Organic farming is wonderful and I am grateful it exists, but Biodynamics is really the future for anyone who cares about food quality and health. What is ironic about this is that…